  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yang Lian

杨炼,1955年出生于瑞士,成长于北京。七十年代后期开始写诗。1983年,以长诗《诺日朗》轰动大陆诗坛。1987年,被中国读者推选为“十大诗人”之一。1988 年,应澳大利亚文学艺术委员会邀请,前往澳洲访问一年,其后,开始了他的世界性写作生涯。杨炼的作品以诗和散文为主,兼及文学与艺术批评。他迄今共出版中文诗集十三种、散文集二种、与一部文论集。他的作品已被译成二十余种外文,在各国出版。其代表作长诗和组诗《大海停止之处》、《同心圆》,以及最新完成的《叙事诗》等。获首届李白诗歌奖提名奖(2015)、中国首届“天铎”长诗奖(2013)、意大利卡普里国际诗歌奖(2014)、意大利诺尼诺国际文学奖(2012)。1999年,获得意大利Flaiano国际诗歌奖(1999)、英国诗歌书籍协会推荐英译诗集奖(1999)。2008年和2011年两次以最高票当选为国际笔会理事。他是南京艺术学院客座教授、河北大学艺术学院客座教授、扬州大学客座教授、汕头大学驻校作家暨讲座教授。2013年,杨炼获邀成为挪威文学暨自由表达学院院士。

Yang Lian was born in Switzerland in 1955, and grew up in Beijing. He began writing when he was sent to the countryside in the 1970s. he was among the "Misty" school of Poets. His poems became well-known and influential inside and outside of China in the 1980s, especially when his sequence Norilang was published in 1983. Yang Lian was invited to visit Australia and New Zealand in 1988 and next year, he became a poet in exile and started his journey through out the global since then. Yang Lian has published thirteen collections of poems, two collections of prose and one selection of essays in Chinese. His work has also been translated into more than twenty languages. He has received dozens of prizes, including The Li Bai Nomination Poetry Prize (2015), Great Kunlun Cultural Prize, Capri International Poetry Prize (Italy, 2014), etc. He was a fellow of Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin for 2012 / 2013. He is a guest-professor of Nanjing University of the Arts, The Arts College of Hebei University and Yangzhou University. Since 2014, he was invited to be the writer in residency and lecture professor in Shantou University, Guangdong Prov. China. In 2013, He has been invited to become a member of The Norwegian Academy for Literature and Freedom of Expression.


Lorene Ligh

Lorene Ligh 生于上海。美国大学法律专业毕业,从事多种

Lorene Ligh was born in Shanghai. He graduated from the Law
Department of an American university. He lives in England.


Ming Vase of Forever Happiness for Plum Blossom [1]

一枝看不见的梅花停在这儿等我 一双爱之手 构思玉的质地 抚摸 我就变了 六百个初冬堆叠初雪 沁蓝震颤的一夜 一只瓶的细腰热热 贴紧世界边缘 我惊醒于我的云涛 美人肩头探入烈焰也探入血色 看不见的龙爪死死按住 这场陨落 美人诞生于激情 一抹涌上脸颊的红 来自梅 来自火 一夜龙窑中 龙眼 嵌进我的裸体 俯瞰性命 秘密雕琢被把玩的欲望 花瓣 兽类的小小爪尖在水晶枝头走动 美 令我们空出 寻觅 灼烧 忍住 逼迫一只瓶夺目的疼痛 就这样我的冥思谁也看不见 我兀立 屏息 一首窈窕的诗篇 把朝代 人声 纹绣在身上 反光中无尽烽火路滑落如赞叹 与我有关吗?沧桑或兴衰那些错字 都删除到体内 一个被深深吸进的圆 吸着世界 来呀 碎入我的红艳 博物馆围着这只蕊 暗香袅袅漂浮 哦 吮着忧伤 美人的肌肤 夜夜成形 一缕香舔穿龙吟 海啸 剥我塑我 一场逗留于极端的梅之舞 再等六百年 爱仍新且嫩 一举 用尽了岁月 血的指纹翻飞 捻转 稳住 一枝看不见的梅花璀璨地插在到处


An invisible branch of plum blossom stops here waiting for me A pair of loving hands constructs texture of jade caressing I then changed six hundred early winters piled up early snow Seeping blue a shivering night a vase's slim waist warmly nestles up to the edge of the world startIed I am awaken in my surging clouds The Beauty's shoulder probes into roaring flames probes into hue of blood Invisible dragon claws press down deadly this fall from sky The Beauty born from passion a trace of red rushes up to cheeks from plum from fire One night in a dragon kiln dragon eyes embedded in my naked body look down at life secretly carve the desire to be treasured petals beastly little pointy claws tiptoe on crystal branches Beauty makes us emptied out search burn endure the pain that forces the vase to dazzle So my deepest contemplation is also invisible I stand upright holding breath a sylphlike poem embroiders dynasties voices into my body Endless paths of beacon fires in reflection slide off as praises Does it concern me? Vicissitudes or rise and fall those mistaken words are all deleted into my body a deeply sucked-in circle Sucking in the world O come shatter into my brilliant scarlet The museum surrounds this bud faint aroma floats and drifts O soak up sorrow The Beauty's flesh and skin shapes up every night A whiff of aroma licks through dragon's moans Tsunami strips me sculpts me a plum dance lingers at the extreme Wait for another six hundred years love still fresh and tender once exhausts all passing ages blood fingerprints flutter twist and turn Hold an invisible branch of plum blossom is implanted brilliantly everywhere [1] The title refers to the one and only Ming dynasty Yongle period copper-red dragon plum vase (Mei Ping) which is now being exhibited in the British Museum until the end of 2016. The literal translation of “Yongle” is “forever happiness”.

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