  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Chua Chee Lay

土生土长新加坡第三代华裔。拥有美国威斯康欣大学大学亚洲语言暨文学博士学位, 钻研语言文化与教育科技的诗人。曾任新加坡南洋理工大学华文学习研究室主任及博导,并在2015年担任新加坡驻法国作家,目前他是当代艺术研究会会长与《艺术研究》期刊总编。

Born and raised in Singapore, Dr Chua Chee Lay is a linguist, educational technology researcher and a dedicated educator. He holds a Ph.D. in Asian Languages and Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Formerly the Chief Researcher for Learning Lab and Ph.D. Student Supervisor at NTU. He was also appointed as the writer of the Singapore-France Writer-in-Residence programme in 2015. He is currently the President of the Contemporary Arts Research Association (CARA), Editor-in Chief for Arts Research Journal.


蔡逸婷, 叶慧萍
Anna Belle, Yep Huey Pyng


Both Singaporeans, Anna Belle is an entering college student for English study, while Yep Huey Pyng is a teacher with life-long fascination with translation.


Scent of Books

看一册小说荡气 吟一句情诗回肠 拂去古籍泪痕 历史总叫人神伤 卷一帘春意阑珊 听一声幽幽长叹 河山变色骤然 别时容易见时难 听一窗蕉风作响 弹一曲椰雨悠扬 游过黄河长江 南洋依然是梦乡 念一世儿女情长 守一方文化故乡 沿着梦想滑翔 满室书香梦亦香


My heart flutters when I read a novel, The feeling lingers after my love poem recital. I brush away the tears on the classics, The sorrow history causes me is epic. Drawing the screen brings to sight a fading spring, As I listen to a long, sorrowful sighing. The mountains and the rivers change rapidly, Because goodbyes are easy—meeting again poses greater difficulty. I have heard the banana trees rustling in the breeze, The rain song of the coconut trees. I have swum across the Yellow River and Changjiang But my heart remains in Nanyang. While savouring the love that lasts forever, We still zealously guard our culture. We glide towards the future with our dreams, smelled like the scent of books that our room brims with.

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