  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Quek Yong Siu


Quek Yong Siu, a poet and a composer, previously worked as a lecturer at the School of Electronics and Info-comm of the ITE College West of Singapore. Currently he is the president of the World Chinese Writers Association of Exchange Inc, honorary president of May Poetry Society, committee member of the Writers Association of Singapore, Author-in-Resident for secondary schools and junior colleges,advisor of the Association of Composers (Singapore), vice-president of the Musicians Society of Singapore, music director cam conductor of the Foozhou Clan Association Choir and Chui Huay Lim Galaxy Chinese Instrumental ensemble. His published works includes 6 poems collections, 1 prose collection, 1 song book and 1 music commentary. His poem collection The Story of Chopsticks had won the Highly Commended Award in the Book Festival organized by Singapore Government. Many of his poems were selected and included in the text books of the secondary schools and universities and poems dictionaries in Singapore and overseas.


Quek Yong Siu


Childhood in the Seashell
——A Write-up for a Little Girl who was Selling Seashells by a Seaside in Vietnam

像她开口时露出整排 的洁白,那些贝壳 在阳光的抚摸下 发出梦的色彩 弯弯曲曲的回廊,不断 传来大海的叹息 水族的唼喋、美人鱼的悲歌 海龙王的咆哮,还有 龙王三公主幽幽的啜泣……… 她的童年,也躲在 贝壳中偷偷哭泣 但她不哭泣。她以 微笑,迎向生活的艰辛 一枚贝壳,是一个希望 也是一家温饱的保证 在她黝黑的脸蛋上 只有春天,没有冬天 像阳光照耀下展颜的 大海,静静显示 生命的坚韧和动力


Like a line of whiteness when she opened her month Those seashells Caressed by sunlight were releasing the colours of their dreams The snaky corridor was echoed with unbroken sighs of the sea the murmurs of aquatic breeds the sad song of the mermaid the roars of the monarch of the sea as well as the sobs of the monarch's third princess As for her childhood She did cry secretly inside the seashell But she didn't cry, she smiled When she had to brace against the cruelty of life A piece of seashell was a piece of hope It meant a guarantee to feed her family On her dark appearance It was a spring, not winter Like the open surface of the sea in the sunshine Quietly she displayed A kind of remarkable fortitude and strength in life

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