  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Chen Ke

陈可,湖北省文联主管《中华文学》签约作家,荆州市作家协会会员。创作的散文《舌尖上的公安 满足你的味蕾》获得公安县第三届“孱陵好声音”作品提名奖。爱好散文、诗歌写作,有作品发表于美国《诗天空》、菲律宾《世界日报》、《湖北教育》、《山东教育报》、搜狐网、百度、环球自媒体、《三袁》、孱陵在线等。

Chen Ke, a contract writer in charge of Chinese literature by hubei literary association, a member of jingzhou writers association. His essay A Bite of Public Security Satisfies Your Taste Bud was nominated for the 3rd "ripply Tomb Sound" in Gongan County. His works have been published in USA Poetry Sky, Philippine's World Daily, Hubei Education, Shandong Education, and many others.


Qu Ying


Sand's Love

风教会你什么是誓死相随 作为伤痕,沙碎裂得最彻底 海水托举着岛屿 大青山与海交汇成金沙滩 多少大人、孩子双手合十举过头顶 那是对大海深深的致意,抑或是对山 都不是,那是他们自己不能坐禅成一座礁石 只想,赤足享受你的拥抱 把裂痕交还给风 浪涛还给海 天空硕大的泪滴,融进你的眼里,都是尘土 此刻,你既不谈情,也不谈爱 沙,你收获了小小的荣光 跟随几个赤脚的孩子,回家 大海匆匆一瞥,一切仍然云淡风轻沙的爱情


The wind teaches you what is "swear to die". As a scar, the sand is broken most thoroughly. The sea holds the island. The Castle Peak and the sea meet to form a beach. Men and kids put their hands together over their heads. Is the best regards to the sea , or the mountains? None of them ,that's because they can't just sit in the meditation as a rock. Just want to enjoy your hug barefoot. Return the crack to the wind, Return the waves to the sea, Big tears in the blue sky drop into your eyes, as the dust. This moment, there’s no relationship, no love. Hello, Sand, you have gained a little glory. Follow a couple of barefoot kids home. A glimpse of the sea, everything is still light.

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