  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Qi Yue Ye Zi


Qi yue Yezi is a bilingual poet, writer and translator. She is a member of Translators Association of China and a member of ShanXi Writers Association. Her Chinese and English works have won numerous awards. She has published works in the major journals, including Workers' Daily, Journal Of Selected Poems, Poetry Tide. She is the author of book of poetry The Bright Morning Star, bilingual book of poetry The Spring Apple.


Qi Yue Ye Zi


A Dream Of The Midsummer Night

夏风吹落一院梧桐 梦中的海市蜃楼 摇摇欲坠 我把词语酿成夜宴 风雨中 走向更深的寂寥 迷迭香无语 蛐蛐在万籁俱寂中 唱响沉默 今夜,大海回归 所有泪水皆过客 在波光粼粼的金渭湖 我慢慢 摇醒月光


Chinese parasol trees were awaken By the summer breeze in the courtyard Mirages were teetering in a dreamland I arranged a great banquet with words And became more solitary in the rainstorm The rosemary kept silent Crickets were singing in the quiet night Oceans came back tonight All the tears seemed like passer-by In the sparkling Jinwei Lake I woke the moonlight up gradually

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