  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

He Jun


He Jun was born in 1965. He is a member of China Poets Association. He started to publish his poems in 1989. He has published two books of poetry, one book of novel and two books of nonfictions. He has received Peng Bang Zhen poetry award.


Li Shenghai


Li Shenghai, senior teacher of Mianyang Foreign Languages School, Sichuan, China, having been an English teacher for over 30 years.


Accidental Meeting with Destined Butterflies in the Morning

周末的清晨,我最为难得的休闲时光 我与蝴蝶的遭遇成为一种可能 得到时间保证。而将可能促成必然 那是我很偶然,破天荒走出户外 太阳刚刚升起来,只是一轮红彤彤的圆盘 冉冉上升。路边树枝的叶端 垂吊着一颗颗晶莹透明的露珠 倒映着千万个太阳:欲滴未滴,熠熠闪光 我正好路过花草丛边 就必然遭遇三五只早起的蝴蝶,白的黑的 永不知疲倦地翩翩翻飞 我驻足,观赏我必然遭遇的蝴蝶 但蝴蝶并不赶紧飞跑 她们在我眼神里没有读到恶意 我不会采集她们做标本 这是心意相通 我在她们眼中,不过是一只不会飞的蝴蝶 周末的清晨。这些必然的蝴蝶 放心地在我周围和花草丛中翩翩起舞 上下翻飞:轻盈,千娇百媚


A hard-earned weekend morning Allowed me to encounter some butterflies Such time guaranteed the occurrence I walked outdoors by accident, which was rare The sun, a red plate now, was rising slowly On the leave tips of the trees near the road Dews, transparent like crystal, reflected thousands of suns Glittering, ready to drop down I was passing by the clusters of flowers and grass I was destined to meet two or three early butterflies, white and black Flying and flapping their wings unceasingly I stopped, appreciating my destined butterflies They were not frightened to fly off Because they read no ill-intention in my eyes: I would not turn them into specimens That was our communication of soul In their eyes, I was a butterfly that couldn't fly On the morning of the weekend These destined butterflies were dancing around me and among the clusters of flowers and grass Like ladies, so charming

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