  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Huang Fan


Huang Fan (1963-) Born in Lanzhou of Gansu province and now is an associate professor in Nanjing University of Science and Technology. Representative work Middle Age was included in One Hundred Poems for One Hundred Years of Chinese Modern Poetry. The editor of United Daily News called him the Mainland poet of most interest to the Taiwanese reader. His books in Chinese include Moon Losting Sleeping, Elegies of Nanjing, The Eleventh Commandment, The Floating Colors, Until Youth Disappears, Girls' School Teacher, Chinese Wander and One Inch Master. His prizes include the China Good Poetry Prize, the Beijing Literary Prize,the Zijin Mountain Literature Prize, the Jinling Literary Prize, the Fangcao Biennial Top Ten Prize, the Writer's Golden Prize for Short Story, the Biennial China Houtian Culture and Art Prize and the Boao International Poetry Prize.


Margaret Ross


Margaret Ross is the author of A Timeshare (Omnidawn, 2015). Her poems and translations have appeared in Best American Poetry, The Paris Review, and POETRY. A recent Stegner Fellow, she is currently a Harper-Schmidt Fellow and collegiate assistant professor at University of Chicago.


Beards Of The Middle-Aged

胡子,总向来人低头 不是凭吊,就是认错 甚至像围巾,悉心裹着一个人的叹气 只要有风经过,它也想飞起来 它一直往下长,是想拾捡地上的脚印? 是想安慰被蚯蚓钻疼的耕土? 是想弄清地上的影子,究竟有没有骨头? 是想长得像路一样长,回到我初恋的地方? 它从不记恨我每天刮它的疼痛 它从不在乎,我是它飞不高的祸首 当然,它也像一根根铁链 把我锁进了中年 一旦睡梦来临,它便腾出一千只手 彻夜为我化妆,让一个陌生人 在清晨的镜子里等我


A beard is always bowing to people If it's not paying respects, it's admitting fault It's a scarf swaddling a man's sighs As soon as the wind blows, it wants to fly Is it reaching down to gather footprints? To comfort the worm-ravaged soil? To see if shadows have bones? Does it want to grow as long as a road To the place where I first fell in love? Every day, it suffers my shaving But it doesn't hate me It doesn't mind that I'm the rival it can't rise above Of course, each hair is a link in the chain Shackling me to middle age As I dream, my beard finds a thousand hands To spend all night doing my make-up, making the stranger Who waits for me in the mirror every morning



我想看清它的脸 不论幸福还是饥饿都狰狞的脸 想象它体内装满了毒药 想象它恼人的嗡嗡声里,泊着对我的仇恨 其实它和人一样,只是饿了 像饥饿的人推门进来,想要一块饼 但我没有勇气放过它—— 要用苍蝇拍啪啪的官话,消灭它嗡嗡的方言 它不得不跳起生死的圆舞曲 也许,它是苍蝇界的信徒 向往去它的圣地——我的厨房 展开翅膀来祷告 嗡嗡的祷文,令它不敢栖息在供品 ——我的蛋糕上 也许,它是苍蝇界的文艺青年 想把目光狠狠插进诗集—— 它沿诗集爬了一圈,却没找到缝隙 只听见,屋里响起了阴险的脏话 也许,它是苍蝇界的乖孩子 渴望父亲和它嬉戏 这飞来飞去的苍蝇拍,多像它酷爱的飞碟啊 只一瞬,就把它揽入黑暗的怀抱


I want to see its face Whether happy or hungry, its face stays hideous I think its body is full of poison I think it buzzes with hate for me Actually, it's like a person: just hungry Like a starving person barging in, wanting a cookie But I'm not brave enough to let it slip by— I use the swatter's Mandarin To slap out its buzzing dialect All it can do is keep dancing its death waltz Maybe in Fly World, it's a believer Yearning to go to the holy land (my kitchen) Spreading its wings to hum a prayer Trying not to sit on the offering (my cake) Maybe in Fly World, it's a young artist Trying to read poetry— It crawled on a poem but couldn't find a way in All it heard were my curses Maybe in Fly World, it's a good kid Longing for his father to play with him And this swatter is one of his beloved UFOs Abducting him into darkness

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