  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Alexander Sabalov

Alexander Sabalov was born in Sophia of Bulgaria in 1941, poet, essayist and literary critic. He is a professor of English literature at Sophia University, an honorary doctorate from University of Kent and University of Surrey. He was elected speaker at the first three sea writers' conference in Rhodes island last year.



Zhou Daomo

周道模,教师,在国内外文学报刊发表汉语、英语和翻译作品。 出版汉语诗集两部、汉英双语诗集两部、自印汉语诗集一部。曾获国内外诗歌奖。主编汉英版《2018世界诗选》。多次应邀参加世界诗人大会和国际诗歌节。中国诗歌学会会员、四川省作协会员、覃子豪研究会会长、《覃子豪诗刊》主编。

Zhou Daomo is the author of two Chinese poetry collections, two Chinese English bilingual poetry collections and one self-printed Chinese poetry collection. He won poetry awards in China and abroad. He is the Editor in Chief of 2018 Selected World Poems in Chinese and English. He was invited to attend the World Poets' Congress and the International Poetry Festival. He is now a lifelong member of the World Poets' Congress and editor-in-chief of the Qin Zihao Poetry Journal.

You Murder as You Live


Something flew into my mouth as I was striding against the wind. I spat it out – a midge. Now dead on my sleeve. What an unnecessary destruction! I wish I were a Jain. And yet there are so many things that are far more important. How would we be able to live if we didn't grade our murders?


当我迎风急行时 有东西飞进我嘴里。 我吐了出来—— 一只蚊虫。 现在它,就死在 我的袖子上。 真是不必要的毁灭啊! 但愿我是一位耆那教徒。 然而还有很多事情 比这重要得多。 假如我们不把自己的谋杀 分成高低等级 我们怎么有能力活在世上?

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