  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Wen Rong

文榕, 原名顾文榕,香港文联常务副秘书长、香港散文诗学会副会长、香港《橄榄叶》诗刊主编。于海内外报刊杂志发表诗歌、散文诗、人物专访﹑散文随笔等六百余篇(首),著有诗集《轻飞的月光》、散文诗集《比春天更远的地方》等多部。作品入选《诗刊》《诗潮》《作品》《中国散文诗一百年大系》等数十种诗文集。参加第十一届全国散文诗笔会,获两岸四地华语诗歌高峰论坛华语优秀诗篇奖、第三届中国散文诗天马奖等多种奖项。

Wen Rong, formerly known as Gu Wenrong, is the Executive Deputy Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Union, Vice President of the Hong Kong Prose Poetry Society, Director of the Hong Kong Poets Association, and Chief Editor of Hong Kong Olive Leaves Poetry News Paper. She has published hundreds of poems/articles, including poems, prose poems, personal interviews, and essays in newspapers and magazines at home and abroad and she wrote many poetry collections such as The Gentle Flying Moonlight, and prose poetry collection A Place Farther Away From Spring, etc. Her works were published in dozens of poem collections, including Poetry Magazine, Poetry Trend, Works, and One Hundred Years of Chinese Prose Poems. She participated in the Eleventh National Prose Poetry Pen Conference, and won various awards such as the Excellent Chinese Poetry Awards of the Cross-Strait Chinese Poetry Summit Forum, and Tianma Awards of the 3rd Chinese Prose Poetry.


Sophy Chen


Sophy Chen (Lihua Chen), born in Shannxi in 1975, lives in Guangzhou and graduated from XISU. She editted and translated I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes, Sophy Poetry & Translation Magazine, etc. .


The Remaining Rhyme

男中音似太嘹亮把夜色唱得依稀莫辨 渴望是一双蛱蝶依恋草间漩涡的暖意 旋律乃熟悉的旧调,它们却早在梦乡醉去 路口再无别的身影除了那棵古榕的叹息 远处的灯影明亮如昔那个守夜人已不知去向 天空的四周是树叶,我们都“生活在别处”? 我遂祈求树影渡我像那绿色的湖泊摇漾 而它,早已凝固为一幅自然之画卷


The baritone seems too loud to sing the night so faintly and vaguely to distinguish Desire is a pair of vanessas attached to the warmth of the vortex in the grass The old tunes are familiar with melodies, but they have long been drunk in a dream There is no other figure at the intersection except the sigh of the ancient banyan tree The lantern shadow in the distance is as bright as before, the night watchman has disappeared The sky is surrounded by leaves, and do we all “live somewhere else”? Then I prayed for the shadow of the tree to cross me like that green lake swaying Well it's long been solidified into a picture of nature

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