  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Zi Kong


Zikong, lives in Yunnan Province. He has published a book of poetry A Bird or a Man's Night.


Fan Jun


Poet and translator. Engaged in poetry writing, literary translation and research. Translations include Nietzsche's Essays and A New School of Women's Poetry, Or Birth.


Dreaming Of Clattering Horses' Hooves After Losing Strength In My Lower Limbs

曾经跨过去的水沟,现在又出现在我面前 一只蚂蚁掉落其中,被水冲走了 对面的小黄狗一跃而过 鼻子在我的双脚上像福尔摩斯侦探 如果寒风曾经贯穿过我的身体,我为何如此孱弱 甚至看不见灵魂的影子 唯有马蹄声声 落在土里,是发芽还是发霉,我不知道 落在水里,是漂浮还是下沉,我也不知道 唯有苍穹星云知道,我常常躺在大地之上 我是故乡的溪流 无法也从未想过要在太平洋上潮起潮落 甚至不知道大海的方向,就是沿着长江顺流而下 即使河流干涸,大海也不可能来到小溪的故乡 无论如何逆水行舟 很多年后,水沟附近的花还会再开 说明我来过,春天也来过 包括马蹄哒哒,包括小黄狗一跃而过


The ditch that I once crossed now appears before me again An ant falls into it and is swept away by the water The little yellow dog across the way leaps across With his nose on my feet like Detective Sherlock Holmes If the cold wind ever runs through me, why am I so weak Can't even see the shadow of my soul Only the sound of horses' hooves Falling in the earth, whether it germinates or moulders, I don't know I don't know if it floats or sinks in the water Only the sky and the nebulae know that I often lie above the earth I am the stream of my homeland Can't and never have thought of the tide rising and falling in the Pacific Not even knowing the direction of the sea is to follow the Yangtze River downstream Even if the river dries up, the sea cannot come to the stream's homeland No matter how you swim against the current Many years later, the flowers near the gutter will bloom again It means that I have come and that spring has come Including the clattering of horses' hooves and the leap of the little yellow dog

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