  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Da Ke

大可,真名 聂世奇,中国作家协会会员。作品散见《星星诗刊》《诗歌月刊》《诗选刊》《绿风》《诗潮》《天津文学》《山东文学》等文学期刊,并入选多种诗歌选本。著有诗集《思念随风》《风之上的脚印》(两个合著)。

Da Ke, whose real name is Nie Shiqi, is a member of Tianjin Writers' Association. He has published poems in literary journals such as Star Poetry, Poetry Monthly, Journal of Selected Poems, Green Wind, The Poetic Tide, Tianjin Literature and Shandong Literature. His works have been selected into a variety of poetry anthologies. He has collections of poems such as Missing Goes With The Wind and Footprints On The Wind (Two co-authors).


Liu Lingling

刘玲玲,上世纪七十年代出生,英语教师 ,喜欢研究诗歌翻译,热爱文学、音乐和摄影,喜欢读书,写一些游记见闻来记录生活。

Liu Lingling, born in the 1970s, majored in English teaching. She is interested in researching on the poetry translation. She loves literature, music and photographing. Also enjoys reading and writing essays to record life.



一波一波的浪,涌过来 黑暗在波谷里隐藏 在波峰上接近天空,黑压压 一片一片地靠近,遮挡 最后一丝的光亮 你不在身边,它来得 常常是这样的汹涌 伸出的手臂,孤独 已靠近堤岸 趴伏在潮湿的掌心。我 已无法回首,只能 站在夜的边缘 看眼前一片辽阔的伤口


Waves chased by waves, coming rushing over. Darkness is hiding in the troughs, Closing to the sky on the crests. The darkness is overwhelming. Piles and piles, slowly approaching, Blocking the last thread of light. You are not by my side. It often comes like the surging sea. Arms outstretched , Loneliness is creeping up to the bank, Lying downwards in my humid palms. I can't look back, all passing by. I can only stand here at the edge of night, Watching the wound widening before my eyes.

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