  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jialu Mi

米家路,原名米佳燕,重庆人,四川外语学院英美文学学士(1985),北京大学文学硕士(1991),香港中文大学比较文学博士(1996),加州大学戴维斯分校跨文化研究和电影研究博士(2002)。现任美国新泽西州新泽学院英文系和世界语言与文化系副教授。中文及亚洲研究学部主任。学术研究涉及中西现代诗歌,电影与视像,文化批评理论,后殖民理论与性别研究以及生态文化。英文著作包括:《中国现代诗歌中的自我模塑与省性现代性, 1919-1949》,《环境挑战时代的中国生态电影》(与鲁晓鹏合编)。主编《四海为诗:旅美华人离散诗歌精选》(2014)。现居新泽西普林斯顿。

Jiayan Mi (penname Jialu Mi) completed his M.A. in Comparative Literature at Peking University, and his Ph.D.s in English, Comparative Literature and Visual Culture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of California at Davis. He works mainly on Literature and Chinese Modernity, East-West Comparative Poetics, New Chinese/Asian Cinema and Asian American Diaspora Literature. In addition to the publication of articles in both Chinese and English on visual and cinematic culture, globalization and cultural consumption, and East-West literary, postcolonial and gender politics, he has authored Self-Fashioning and Reflexive Modernity in Modern Chinese Poetry, 1919-1949 (2004), edited Poetry Across Oceans: An Anthology of Chinese American Diaspora Poetry (2014) and Chinese Ecocinema in the Age of Environmental Challenge (2009, co-edited with Sheldon Lu).


Matt Turner and HaiyingWeng


A Seagull Standing on Acadia Shore Reef

1 就这样我们远远地对视著 连空气也变得异常脆弱 我不敢向前挪动一步 生怕惊动你专心觅食 而你突然昂起尖犁般的喙 啄向空中,划了一圈 接著发出几声“穀啊穀啊” 彷彿在说(其实我已领会): “外乡人,来这干嘛?” 2 那瞳孔的光芒,随 浪涛翻滚,激动的翼 搅乱镜头的焦距,如 溅逬的水银,撕碎 外乡人的好奇心,令他 行走云端,在雾中潜行 一片羽光忽闪忽现: “吁,多么徒劳的捕捉 外乡人那出窍的灵魂” 3 这墩临海的巨大礁石 光秃,孤僻,清冷 跪拜汹涌的海洋 腹部任潮水冲洗 而你的降临令这裡多么不同 攫紧的脚爪令拥抱刻骨铭心 柔毛的抚摸令无情激昂狂饮 笨重的躯体也化作飞翔的轻 而在你展翅起飞的一刹那 我忽然瞥见在巨石头颅上 你拉下的纯白的粪粒 在阳光下烁烁闪光


1 In this way, we stare at each other from afar Even the air becomes exceptionally fragile I dare not advance a step for fear of startling your foraging Yet you suddenly raise your sharp beak peck in the air, making a circle and then sending out continuous "kittee-wa-aaake" As if to say (in fact, what I understood to be): "You outsiders, what did you come here for?" 2 The radiance of the pupil, it follows the pulsing waves, the excited wings disturb the camera's focus, it's like a splash of mercury, rending theoutsiders'curiosity, makes him walk in the clouds, slink in the mist A piece of feather gleaming through obscurity: "Oh, how pointless to catch the out-of-body souls of the outsiders" 3 This giant boulder by the sea Bare, solitary, detached kneels to the tempestuous sea Let the belly be rinsed with the tides But your arrival has made this place so different Your seizing claws etch the embrace into the heart The caress of your down has made the heartless revelled This clumsy body is dissolved into the lightness of flight At the moment that you flap your wings and take off I suddenly glimpse on the head of the boulder the pure white dung you drop glistening in the sun

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