  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Paul Verlaine

Paul Verlaine ranks alongside Baudelaire, Mallarmé, and Rimbaud as one of the most influential poets of late nineteenth-century France.



Peter Feng


Peter Feng is a poet, scholar, and translator. He is the author of Desire and Infinity in W. S. Merwin's Poetry (LSU Press, 2021), Mirror in the Deep Sea: Paul Celan's Poetics of Strangeness (Nanjing UP, 2021) and a collection of critical essays The Eye of Muse (Showwe, 2021). He has also published two books of poems: Speculative Patient (Showwe, 2018) and Parallel Tongues (Showwe, 2015). His translations include Thomas Wolfe, Sylvia Plath, Pierre Reverdy, and Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky. At present, he is exploring poetry's unique access to the essential strangeness of Being in a conversation with philosophy and psychoanalysis. He lives in Qingdao.

The Art of Poetry


Let's hear the music first and foremost, And that means no more one-two-one-twos… Something more vague instead, something lighter Dissolving in air, weightless as air. When you choose your words, no need to search In strict dictionaries for pinpoint Definitions. Better the subtle And heady Songs of Imprecision. Imagine fine eyes behind a veil, Imagine the shimmer of high noon, Imagine, in skies cooled for autumn, Blue entanglements of lucent stars. No, what we must have is more Nuance. Colour's forbidden, only Nuance! Nuance alone writes the harmonies Of dream and dream, of woodwind and brass. Clever-clever phrases are deadly, So too are rapier Wit and cheap Laughs, Ubiquitous garlic of bad cooks, Only fit to fill blue air with tears. Grip eloquence by the throat and squeeze It to death. and while you're about it You might corral that runaway, Rhyme, Or you'll get Rhyme Without End, Amen. Who will denounce that criminal, Rhyme? Tone-deaf children or crazed foreigners No doubt fashioned its paste jewellery, Tinplate on top, hollow underneath. Music, more music, always music! Create verse which lifts and flies away, Verse of a soul that has taken off Into other stratospheres of love. You must let your poems ride their luck On the back of the sharp morning air Touched with the fragrance of mint and thyme… And everything else is LIT-RIT-CHER. (Trans. Martin Sorrell)


那万物之先的神乐 喜好单数的音节 使之在空中朦胧溶化 无负重也无停滞 当你选词,最好 带着某种蔑视 没什么比那灰暗的歌 更让精确与飘忽结合 那是面纱后的明眸 那是正午时分的颤动 那是秋日温柔的天空中 闪烁的蓝色星丛 必需的永远是微妙 而非色彩,唯微妙 噢,唯微妙联姻 梦与梦、笛声与号角 远离致命的论点 讪笑与冷酷的精神 所有劣等厨艺的调料 让天空之眼哭泣 扼住并掐断雄辩的脖子 只需顺势而行 让韵脚多少显出点头脑 若不留意,它们会四处狂奔 谁能说这是韵脚的错 是哪个音盲孩或蠢黑鬼 锉出的廉价玩意儿 发出空洞虚假的声音 唯有那神乐,混响的神乐 让你的诗长出翅膀 让你的诗如灵魂转世 飞入异域的天空,异域的爱 让它成为一场神奇冒险吧 洒向黎明的清风 芳馨如薄荷和百里香 那之后,万物皆辞章

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