  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Yves, poet, writer. He began to publish at the age of 16. He has worked as editor, reporter and producer for newspapers and TV stations. His works appeared in Poetry Periodical, Cao Tang and many other journals and a number of important anthologies. He has published two literary monographs Living Space and Dark. Dark was on the shelves of bookstores in Malaysia. He is the editor-in-chief of Selected Poems of Chinese Poets (Taiwan edition). He was invited to attend the Thai world Chinese literature conference, the Hong Kong literature exchange, the third China Ewha poetry festival, the international peak forum on landscape poetry, and the second poetry society for youth. In 2017, he was awarded the international Chinese poetry prize by Ministry of Culture of Thailand.


Xu Jiangang


Xu Jiangang, AKA, Old Captain of Three Gorges, born in January, 1961, in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. He is a Professor of British and American Literature and a Graduate Advisor at Three Gorges University. He has published one book of translation and three books of poetry, including An Old Song —— Poems by Xu Jiangang, Songs of Sad Songs - Poems of Xu Jiangang, and The Captain's Aria.


A Tree, Or The Gate Of Emptiness

一棵树可以长在悬崖峭壁, 也可以长在手心 它甚至可以住进一个人的心里 一棵树在森林中是孤独的 它金属的身体全让时间掏空了 它是善良的。它的胸怀博大 它包容自然界的一切事物 比如飞禽,比如走兽 在它的记忆里,没有邪恶没有仇恨 没有暴力没有战争,草地上只有和平的种子 我不去想恐龙是如何灭绝的 我不会去翻一本老黄历 我只关心正在消亡的事物 猎人和猎物在世纪的纪念碑前 角逐一场毫无悬念的游戏 猎物没了,猎枪自然成为一种摆设 森林会孤独死去 一棵树将自己埋在故土 风吹进地底 它竟然变身为一块化石 和我所看到的贝壳化石一样 纹路清晰,有些沉重 隐约听到脉搏的跳动


A tree can grow on a cliff It can also grow in the palm of the hand A tree is lonely in the forest Its metal body is emptied by time It is kind. Its mind is broad It embraces everything in nature Such as birds, such as animals In its memory, there is no evil, no hatred No violence, no war Only the seeds of peace breathing on its grasslot. I don't wanna think about how dinosaurs died out I don't wanna open an old almanac What I only care about is those dying things Hunters and their preys are tussling in front of the monuments of the century A game without suspense Game is gone Shotgun becomes an ornament The forest will die alone and lonely A tree buries himself in its native soil The wind blows into thedepth ground And It turns into a fossil As clear and heavy as any fossil shell I've ever seen faintly heard its pulse beating

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