  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Fu Tianlin


Fu Tianlin (1946-1921) was a native of Zizhong, Sichuan. She was the vice president of the Poetry Society of China and the president of the Chongqing New Poetry Society. She had published more than 20 books of poetry, prose and children's fiction. Her works have won the National Award for Outstanding Poetry by Young and Middle-Aged People, the First National Award for Outstanding Poetry Collection, the Second National Award for Women's Poetry, the Fifth Lu Xun Literature Award, and the Bingxin Children's Book Award.


Fan Jun


Poet and translator. Engaged in poetry writing, literary translation and research. Translations include Nietzsche's Essays and A New School of Women's Poetry, Or Birth.



一切都是最好的安排 寅时、月亮、露水、敖包、经幡 隐隐的哒哒哒的蹄声 一轮红日 踏着红云扬起红鬃骑着一匹红骏马来了 来了 大草原的日出 上苍之手加持过的日出 现在我想把它看成是一个老人的日出 如果可以 这花这草这亮晶晶的水就是我的 这一座天空也是我的 如果可以 我就看见了血胎中的自己 正发出崭新的婴儿一样的心跳 如果可以 我生命里的能量 就有可能多一些,更多一些 因为加进了奶茶、篝火、青草、星星 爱和太阳 我必须感恩并牢牢记住这个瞬间 余生最年轻的一天 就从科尔沁 从5点15分的日出开始


Everything is arranged for the best The celestial hour, the moon, the dew, the Ovation, the scriptures The faint clattering of hooves A red sun On red clouds with red manes riding a red stallion Here it comes The sunrise over the savannah A sunrise blessed by the hand of God Now I'd like to think of it as an old man's sunrise If only This flower, this grass, this shining water is mine This sky is mine too If it were possible I would see myself in the blood A new baby's heartbeat If I could The energy in my life It would be possible to have more and more For with milk tea, campfire, grass, stars Love and sun I must be grateful and remember this moment The youngest day of the rest of my life From Kerchin From the sunrise at 5:15am


Outside The Car's Window

我的兴奋 猝不及防,与车窗外 迎面跑来的第一只羊同时降临 兴奋指数,翻越达坂山 随手机上的海拔 一百米一百米升高 羊啊,被阳光灌得酩酊大醉 悠悠然啃着时光的羊啊 哪里还能找到这样清洁的草 这样幸运的牛羊 就连路牌上一闪而过的地名 门源、张掖、峨堡、阿柔、阿力克 读起来都让我唇齿留香 八宝,路牌上的八宝 电击一般,忽想起一个叫八宝的农场 农场里一个21岁的年轻人 忽觉得千里草原 满是一颗孤寂灵魂的气息 流放。写诗。种青稞 霹雳。风暴。命运。沧桑 一匹马把自己的血液叫作光芒 车窗外 天一如既往地蓝 地一如既往地青 风和日丽,六畜兴旺 一群静物近看是羊,远看是蚕 极目处是时间 人是一个永恒的字 钉进这无尽的苍茫


My excitement Caught off guard, and outside the car's window The first sheep running head-on descended at the same time The excitement quotient, over Darshan Mountain The altitude on the randomizer One hundred metres up, one hundred metres up O sheep, drunk with the sun O sheep, languidly nibbling away the hours Where else can you find such clean grass Such lucky cows and sheep Even the names of places that flash by on road signs Menyuan, Zhangye, Ebao, Arou, Arik Even reading them makes my lips tingle Babao, the Babao on the road sign I suddenly remembered a farm called Babao. A young man of 21 on the farm Suddenly I felt that a thousand miles of grassland filled with the breath of a lonely soul in exile. Writing poetry. Growing barley Thunder. Storms. Destiny. The vicissitudes A horse calls its blood to light Outside the car window The sky is as blue as ever The ground is as green as ever The wind is fine, the sun is beautiful, the six animals are flourishing A herd of still life looks like sheep up close and silkworms from afar At the far end of the road is time Humanity is an eternal word Nailed into this endless pale


A Birthday For My Mother

母亲,你早已不在世上 我跪在钟表的废墟上给你过生日 时针甩开它的小蹄子一路疯跑 你知不知道今天你都一百岁了呀 你把黑夜深深吸进自己眼瞳 留给我们的永远是丽日蓝天 你早已凌驾于风之上霹雳之上 一切屈辱与蹂躏之上。但是有了今天 时空就是一种可触摸的亲切物质 就是你重孙子手里这块酥软的蛋糕


Mother, you are long gone I knelt on the ruins of a clock to celebrate your birthday The hand of the clock ran away from its little hooves Do you know that today you are a hundred years old? You sucked the night deep into your eyes You left us with a beautiful blue sky You are above the wind, above the thunder Above all the humiliation and the ravages. But with today Time and space are an intimate substance that can be touched A soft cake in your grandson's hand

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