  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Han Linzi


Han Linzi, a native of Hubei, was born in the 1960s. He started writing poems in the 1970s, ran maginzes in the 1980s, and published a collection of poems in the 1990s. He is the editor-in-chief of the periodicals Zhonghuashan Poetry Journal, Hubei Poetry, Chinese Han Poetry, and World Poetry Circle.


Jeffrey Fu


Jeffrey Fu, a New Zealand based Chinese. Poems and prose have been published in maginzes and electronic platforms.


Stones Don't Want Any Laurels

看见山中,一块块大大小小的石头 静静地坐在地上 不为功名所累 我有时,也这样而想 它们光着头,不要人间任何一顶桂冠 像一个个遁入空门的和尚 心里默默地念经 而众多的草木,匍匐在它们脚旁 都一声不响 生命发出一缕缕清香 山间,飘起一层层雾岚 让人把世间的那些浮云看淡


I saw the big and small rocks in the mountains Sit quietly on the ground Tired of fame and wealthy Sometimes, I think so as well Their bare heads, don't want any laurels in this world Like a monk escaping into the emptiness Chanting in silence let all vegetations creeping at their feet In the deadly silent Life emits a wisp of fragrance In the mountains, a layer of mist is raising Make people look down on those floating clouds in the world

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