  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Huang Hua


Huang Hua(1974-) is an associate professor in the School of Literature, Capital Normal University. She got her PhD. from Renmin University of China in 2004. She engaged in modern Chinese literature research. She is a visiting scholar in East Asian Department of the University of Pittsburgh.


Huang Hua


Crabapple Trees Blossom

海棠花开 树下 亚历山大·谢而盖耶维奇·普希金 静静坐在 静谧的校园 奋笔疾书间 他抬眸 深邃的目光 探向远方 没有人想到二百年后 北京这场相遇 花瓣飘零的瞬间 转变成亲切的怀念 奥涅金与达吉亚娜的相遇 跨越爱恨的重逢 早已超出心头流转的一念 失去惊喜与欢欣的相见 正如你的出现 猝然不及 不堪回首 那一树树花开 一季季轮回


Crabapple trees blossom Under the tree, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Sitting quietly in the quiet campus He raised his eyes as he wrote The deep eyes looked into the distance No one thought two hundred years later This encounter in Beijing, the moment when the petals fall Turning into a kind nostalgia Onegin and Tatiana's encounter Reunion across love and hate A thought that has long been beyond the flow of my mind Lost surprise and joy of the meeting Just as you came along Suddenly Can't bear to look back The flowers bloom, season by season

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