  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Liu Xiangdong


Liu Xiangdong, born 1961, Hebei Province, poetry editor-in-chief for The Best Poetry of China. His poetry books include Mother's Lamp, Fallwen Leaves Flying Birds, Poetry and Thoughts, Silence and many others.


Wang Ping

王屏,北大英语系文学学士,纽约大学比较文学博士, 美国麦克乐思特大学终身教授,主教诗歌,出版15本英文诗歌、小说、翻译,受邀国际诗歌节、电台电视已达上千次,包括耶鲁,普林斯顿等大学;获多项文学大奖,包括“杰出移民”奖,委内瑞拉“国际优秀诗人奖”,“明州先锋诗歌桂冠诗人”。中文作品发表于《北京周报》,《作家》,《草原》,《诗歌月刊》,《美文》,《青岛文学》。

Dr. Ping Wang came from Shanghai, earned her BA in Beijing University and Ph.D. at NYU. She published 15 books of poetry and prose: My Name Is Immigrant, Life of Miracles along the Yangtze and Mississippi and others. She,s a recipient of NEA, Bush, Lannan and McKnight Fellowships, and director of Kinship of Rivers project. She,s also a dancer, photographer and installation artist. Her multi-media installations were shown at colleges, galleries, museums, river confluences and mountains around the world. She,s the Emerita Professor of Poetry at Macalester College.


Fallen Leaves Flying Birds

在我老家,燕山脚下 老树比村庄更古老 而树上的鸟巢 比新娘还新 半圆的巢儿朝天 孵化日月星辰 半圆的坟墓如鸟巢倒扣 拢住大地之气 土地说:落叶归根 于是,叶子下沉 天空说:鸟儿凌云 于是,翅膀向上


My old home lies at the foothill of Mount Yan There, trees are older than villages But the bird nests on trees Are newer than brides The half-domed nests face the sky As if hatching the sun, moon and stars The half-domed graves flip the nests upside down As if holding the earth's breaths All leaves fall back to the roots, says the earth So leaves fall downwards All birds ride the clouds, says the sky So birds open their wings upwards


What's Above Everything

祖坟远远高于黄土 一棵拔尖的青蒿 高于坟墓 而高于青蒿的 不是日出 不是头颅 或许 支撑天空的是一棵大树 当它倒下 老坟地里 大片的荆柴成为树木 群山起伏 流水起伏 连绵的道路连绵的灯火 连绵起伏 平平常常的存在啊 难得一见的气度 有什么高于一切之上 一切都是元素 有不完美的完美 没有完美 或不完美的事物


My ancestor's grave sits high on the Yellow Plateau But a sweet wormwood grows taller Something else is even higher Not the sunrise Or a man's head Maybe A tree can hold up the sky When it falls Small saplings shoot up From the old grave Mountains stand high and low Water moves in waves Our paths meander on and on Along with the light of humanity Life is anything but ordinary Tolerance is hard to find Nothing is above everything Everything is element There are no perfect Or imperfect things in this world Only imperfect perfection


Cicada Stridulation

一只蝉 至少被尘埋一千零一夜 得以放风 两只蝉 为妻者注定是哑巴 脉脉深情默默而终 三只蝉 总有一只正拱破泥土 不知道头上是怎样的天空 四只蝉 在高枝之上鸟翅之下 为谁而鸣 你是另一只 永远把自己包在泥里 对心中的秘密守口如瓶 我是又一只 试图为生命而说出 却原来舌头和嘴唇都是泥的


One cicada Is freed from the earth After buried a thousand and one nights Two cicadas The female is destined to be mute She loves in silence, dies in silence Three cicadas One of them is breaking through the earth Wondering what sky will look like Four cicadas On trees under bird wings Who are they clittering for? You're the cicada Forever wrapped in earth To keep secrets in heart But I'm the one Trying to speak up about life Only to discover my tongue and mouth are made of mud

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