  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Joan Xie

谢炯, 生于上海。八十年代中叶就读于上海交通大学管理系,1988年留学美国,获企业管理硕士和法律博士学位。曾出版诗集《半世纪的旅途》(2015),散文集《蓦然回首》(2016),中文诗集《幸福是,突然找回这样一些东西》(2018), 英文翻译诗集《十三片叶子》(2018)。2017年荣获首届德清莫干山国际诗歌节银奖。诗作及译作发表在《诗刊》、《扬子江诗刊》、美国《诗天空》、《文学交流》等。

Joan Xie was born in Shanghai where she attended Shanghai Jiaotong University. She came to the United States in 1988 to study business and law. Her books of poetry and essay collections include Half-Century Journey (2015), Looking Back (2016), Nothing Made Me Happier than Finding These Objects (2018), and Thirteen Leaves (2018). In 2017, she received a Silver award at First Moganshan International Poetry Festival in China. Her poems and translations appeared in Poetry Journal, The Yangtze River Poetry Journal, Exchanges Literature Journal, and Poetry Sky.


Joan Xie



你是否也是那些微不足道的: 苞,花瓣,种子 成千上万, 组成一棵树? 你是否已经被告知 你不过为那棵树而存在 那么,如果你落下 你又能离树多远呢? 我现在坐在你们中间 正在积极地寻找一只饥饿到愿意 用翅膀和我交换的喜鹊


Are you also a tiny thing: a bud, a petal, a seed, among millions of those to form a tree? Have you already been told that you whole existence is for a tree. Then, how far can you go? if you fall, alas, from a tree. I am now sitting among you actively looking for a magpie who is hungry enough to barter me with her wings.

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