  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xiu Shi


A prolific writer, poet, and a native of Hong Kong, he is currently President of the Association of Hong Kong Poetry, as well as Editor-in-Chief of The Roundtable: a Journal of Poetry and Poetics. Among his many publications are poetry If You Are Sitting Opposite Me, Snow Leopard, and Seagull; critical essays The Pupa and the Butterfly and On Liu Ban Nong and His Poetry. He has also edited a number of anthologies of contemporary Hong Kong and Chinese poetry, including Lights Across the River: a Selected Poetry of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Infinite Night Colors: Selected Poetry of Ningxia and Hong Kong.


Yanwing Leung


Yanwing Leung is poet, translator, Associate Professor of English, and two-term Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Director of the Master's Program in Translation and Interpreting at National Taiwan University. He has Translated over a hundred contemporary Chinese poems. He is a author/translator of Poems Inspired by the Rubaiyat and The Forgotten Rubaiyat: A Verse Interpretation in Chinese.


Three Pears

夜终于沉静为一个空瓶子 我坐在沙发上,我的思绪松散成为这个房子 子夜过去了,但许多事物仍在暗地里进行 我知道的这个世间有许多女子 她们遇上了不美好的情缘中美好的部份并在这个时候 躺在床上回忆着那些丝微般的话语 如温柔的细雨落在布满种子的土壤上 她们会想象,许多不同颜色的果子在秋天里 沐浴在整片阳光中并发出生命的呻吟 白石州如一张平静的大床褥我独自躺下 放下了所有色彩,细细体味存在的奇妙 记忆中有歌声沿着深南大道响起 有灯火点燃了城市的情欲 曾经失火的房子,现在已经冰冷了 最终是紫薇花一般无言的悬在黑夜的枝桠上 三个青色的梨子,你遗下 梨子是青色的,你远离了那种成熟的缘份


In the end the night settles quietly into a spent bottle I sit on the couch, my empty thoughts dilate to room size Midnight fades away, hiding myriad transactions in the dark still Women of this world there are, I know, plenty of them who Once tempted by the charm of a doomed love, are resting At this hour in bed, reminiscing the smooth silky words Like soft drizzle falling on soil, pregnant with seeds They would imagine, enough autumnal fruits of all colors Bathing together under a swathe of sun, groaning for life White Stone Bay stretches like an immense peaceful mattress, alone I lie down, to put aside all the colors to savor the miracle of being I recall songs rising along Indigo Boulevard Amidst city lights that kindled urban desires Once burned in a fire, the house now stands icy cold, at length Like silent crape myrtle blossoms dangling from twigs In the dark Those were three green pears. The pears you left behind Were all green, long forfeiting a chance for a ripe encounter


Confessions at the Frog River

立冬之后,我来到了青蛙河畔 晚上已听不到那一阵紧一阵松的聒噪声 旅馆房间内我也瑟缩着,偷窥窗帘隙缝间 那微薄的月色。河畔有结满白穗的芦芒 青蛙潜伏其中,它们静待着 一场雪。把一个年头埋葬 明年总有焚烧着的火,也总有流徙着的 羊群,隐没在旷野的星光下 我在书写,并以之抵抗那些流言诅咒 我撰写的所有,会结集为一本经文 让你信仰着,并相信那未被发现的村庄 有一间房子和一盏灯,足够渡过寒冬


I arrive at Frog River, following the footsteps of winter No longer can I hear the alternately frantic and relaxed croaking at night Inside the hotel room I cringe as well, peeking at the pale moon Through a sliver in the curtains. Clumps of silver grass bloom on the riverbank Where frogs stay hidden, waiting quietly for The first snow, to bury the year whole Next year there will be fires burning, herds of Sheep roaming, submerged in sidereal light in the wilderness I am writing, writing to conquer the evil rumors and curses All that which I write, will be combined into a book of scripture Giving you a faith, to believe that there is a room with a lamp In the yet-to-be-found village, enough to help you through the winter cold


Ms Omnipotent

小暑日诞生了一个教派 信仰着的一个人是全能的 可以让我安静地等待每个美味的清晨降临 可以让我吵嚷着,说出那些市井人物的名字 也可以让我在没有星子的晚上 把一头小猫安放在床尾,把自己放在她的口袋里 她也抄写着经文,也会到市场买菜和买药物 她能享乐,但不会怀孕 我聆听她的论述抚摸着她的骨胳 她说,世间纷纷攘攘,我是这唯一的愚昧 因她的名,我建造一座城楼 让这末世洪水,自山脚下流过


The days of lesser summer give birth to a religious sect That worships an omnipotent someone Who lets me wait peacefully for the arrival of every delectable dawn Allows me to noisily recount the names of those from the commercial market To lay a small kitten at the foot of the bed at night when the stars disappear And place myself inside her pocket She copies the dharma, goes to the vegetable market and shops for medicine She romps around, but does not get pregnant I listen to her lengthy talk gently caress her bony frame Look at all the unrests around you, she says, I alone consecrate this lunacy Inspired by her name, I build a towering fort To allow the doomsday flood to skirt the foothills

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