  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Zhao Zhikui


Zhao Zhikui is a contemporary Chinese poet. He was a student of the advanced class of Lu Xun School of Chinese Language and Literature in 1989 . He is currently a visiting professor at Yuxi Normal University. His poems have been published in Poetry Magazine, People's Literature and others. He was the first poet to launch special columns "poets struggling in the front line of supporting the poor" in China Poetry network, For this reason, he has won a series of literary awards issued by Poetry Magazine and other organizations. He published several collections of poems including The Light Spot of Mobility.


Luo Yun


Luo Yun is from Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province. He is a doctor of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature of Central China Normal University and a university teacher of the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Yuxi Normal University. He is committed to the study of contemporary Chinese poetry and has published some academic papers in Frontier Literature, New Literature Review, and Central China Academic.


At the End of Winter, a Pear Tree Dropped All Its Leaves

如果站着也不能和你并肩灿烂 我索性坐下,借晚风一双翅膀 去西边山脚下,找到夕阳 宽慰它久难释怀的惆怅 然后竖起耳朵,遥望南方 倾听叶落之后 一棵梨树对土地的全部情感 眼睛是相知的窗,再看一眼时 树枝已挂满了星星月亮 以至隔着黑暗,也能清晰地辨出 星星深处的叶脉 和月亮在花香里愉快徜徉 此刻,我必须用对满树翠绿的神往 来关注你张牙舞爪的模样 并努力顺着你枯瘦的指节 找到那一缕生命的绿光 惊异发现,荒野里静持的你 是这个冬天,唯一的脊梁


If I can't stand side by side with you I'll sit down and borrow the wings of the evening breeze To find the sunset at the foot of the mountains in the west To relieve his long-suffering melancholy Then I will prick up my ears and look to the south Listening to the leaves fall A pear tree, all the feelings to the land Eyes are the window, Thro my dark sky peep, the stars and moon fall on tree, The stars light up the veins, The moon triggers fragrance. Now, I must pay attention to your look of making threatening gestures, like the rapt aspirations to the leafy trees, and then ,try to follow your skinny knuckles to find the green light of life. Suddenly look back,You are like silence in the wilderness you are the only backbone of this winter.

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