  Yidan Han

Mario Li


Poet and translator. Under Chinese pen name Laoha, he translates and writes poems both in English and Chinese. He was born in China in 1960 and now lives in Northern Nevada, USA.


Mario Li


Red Sky

朝霞红满天, 是水手的凶兆; 晚霞红满天, 是水手的微笑。 ——美国新英格兰水手谣 时空浩瀚。地球, 这没有抵达港的巨轮, 在不知名的领域里随波逐流。 而如今,巨轮上的人们 已被现代文明的美酒 醺得酒兴正酣。 在不远的前方,地狱 正缓缓开启大门,火焰和硝烟 已染红了大半个天。 地球舰上, 兼乘客、水手、 船长于一身的智灵人类, 会及时醒来吗?!


A Red sky in the morning Is the sailor's warning; A red sky at night Is the sailor's delight. —New England Sailor Song Boundless space. Endless time. Earth, this gigantic ship without destination, drifts through the domain of unknown. And now, the human beings on board are intoxicated by the wonderful drinks of modern civilization. Not far ahead, over half the sky, fire and brimstone are blasting through the gradually opening gate of Hell. Homo Sapiens, as the passengers, sailors and captain of the Earth ship, will you wake up in time?!


Alaskan Glacier

阿拉斯加冰川 千百万年来, 屹立在地球的极北, 对世上任何事 都无动于衷。 可你始终还是经不起 人类的满腔热情。 于你而言只不过是一夜的 过去二百年, 你已经融化得 几乎荡然无存。


Alaskan glacier! For millions of years, if not for billions, you stand at the northern extreme on earth, untouched by anything in this world. But the warmth of the passionate humans is so irresistible, which is melting you, like a turn of one night, for the last two hundred years or so, down to almost nothing.


Dust Storm

侵袭北京的沙尘暴已经 飘洋过海,在美国 科罗拉多的落基山脉上, 科学家们在千百万年 洁白无瑕的终年积雪中 发现了它留下的痕迹。 这又有何奇怪! 日本富士山下的蝴蝶 扇动一下翅膀,就有可能 在秘鲁附近的太平洋上 引发剧烈风暴。 世界已变得如此之小, 我们一同住在 被称为地球的村庄里, 村头村尾, 彼此鸡犬相闻。


The dust storm invading Beijing has drifted across Pacific. Scientists have found its trace on top of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, in the snow untouched for millions of years, There is nothing particular about this! The movement of a butterfly's wing near Fuji in Japan may very possibly cause a severe storm on Pacific by Peru. The world is becoming so small. We all live in this small village of Earth. Your dog barks, my rooster crows. We hear each other.

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