  Yidan Han

Lisa Olstein

Lisa Olstein's first collection, Radio Crackling, Radio Gone, won the 2005 Hayden Carruth Award from Copper Canyon Press. She is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize and an Artist Grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her poems have appeared in many literary journals including The Iowa Review, American Letters & Commentary, and LIT.

丽莎-奥斯汀的第一本诗集为《Radio Crackling, Radio Gone》。她曾获多项诗歌大奖。她的诗曾发表在《爱荷华评论》等多种诗刊上。


Ying Yun


Ying Yun was born in Hunan, China. She immigrated to USA in 1990s and graduated from California State University. She has published some poems and essays on newspapers. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

My Only Life


I have arrived in a place I think I will stay for a while. My shadow is cast before me by the paleness of a certain star after the moon is down. It won't last long — another week, maybe two. It's like nothing I've seen. Night floats through watery light. People step out at a certain hour. At first I didn't know why, then I joined them.


我已抵达一个我以为将只停留片刻的地方。我的影子,在月落后被某一 颗星辰的苍白投射在面前。它不会持久——再一个礼拜,或许,两个。它 不同于我所见过的一切。夜漂越如水的光。人们将在某个时刻走出来。 起初,我不明白,后来,我汇入其中。

Sometimes They Worship Fire


The people here know nothing they will reveal in my presence. I watch wrists and doorknobs, guess at the jewelry passed from mother to son. Near the river, all the boards lay easterly; near the place they gather, to the north. They have thrown me several parties: home-made whiskey and dancing, music played with a dull spoon on the side of a pig. There is a saying: No bad news at night. Save it for morning, or never.


这里的人们对将在我面前所揭示的一无所知。我注视着手腕与门把,猜测 从母亲传到儿子的首饰。河的附近,所有的桌子朝东放置; 靠近他们的聚 集之地,面北。 他们为我设宴几次:自酿的威士忌,跳舞,用迟钝的勺 敲着猪身演奏的音乐。他们说:夜里没有坏消息。将它留给清晨,或,永 不说出来。

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