  Yidan Han

Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg(1878-1967) was born in Galesburg, Illinois. He was the author of volumes of poems and a six-volume definitive biography of Abraham Lincoln. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the second part of his Lincoln biography, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (1939). He received a second Pulitzer Prize for his Complete Poems in 1950.




金舟,原名王铀。英文笔名为Goldboat或Gold boat。知名学者。生于于哈尔滨,旅居加拿大多年。金舟曾就读于哈尔滨工业大学,并获工学博士学位。后到北京任教,并被聘为教授。现为哈尔滨工业大学教授。 金舟的诗及其所译的英美诗歌常有发表。

Poet and translator. Originally You Wang. He was born in Heilongjiang Province, China. Goldboat obtained his Ph.D. from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He has published many poems and translations in poetry journals in China and abroad. Now,he is a professor at Harbin Institute of Technology.



The little boy blew bubbles Floating the air to glisten and shine With a rainbow joy and airiness silken: They floated and broke and were gone. The man blew bubbles, Made nations and kings and captains And armies that marched and slaughtered And laughed at the blood on their hands— But the armies and kings and captains Are broken and vanished and gone.


那小男孩吹着泡泡 空气漂浮闪亮发光 带着彩虹的欢欣虚幻轻柔: 它们漂浮着破灭着以至消亡。 那男子吹着泡泡 制造国家,国王和将领 还有行军征战杀戮并 因手上沾血而大笑的军队—— 可这些军队,国王和将领 已破碎消逝死去。

Chicago Poet


I saluted a nobody. I saw him in a looking-glass. He smiled—so did I. He crumpled the skin on his forehead, frowning—so did I. Everything I did he did. I said,”Hello, I know you.” And I was a liar to say so. Ah, this looking-glass man! Liar, fool, dreamer, play-actor, Soldier, dusty drinker of dust— Ah! he will go with me Down the dark dtairway When nobody else is looking, When everybody else is gone. He locks his elbow in mine, I lose all—but not him.


我向一个无名之辈敬礼。 我看到他在一面镜子里。 他微笑着——我也微笑。 他皱着前额, 眉头紧锁——我也同样。 我做他所做的每件事。 我说:“你好,我认识你。” 而说这话的我是个说谎者。 哎,这个全然相反的人! 说谎者,傻瓜,梦想家,演员, 士兵,满是灰尘的饮尘者—— 哎!他将随我而去 走下黑暗的阶梯 当没有别人在注意, 当所有别人都离去。 他挽起我的胳膊肘, 除了他——我丢失所有。


Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo, Shovel them under and let me work— I am the grass; I cover all. And pile them high at Gettysburg And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun. Shovel them under and let me work. Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now? I am the grass. Let me work.


在奥斯特里茨和滑铁卢把尸体堆高, 将他们铲埋地下并让我工作—— 我是草;我掩盖所有。 在盖底斯堡把他们堆高 在伊波和凡尔登把他们堆高 将他们铲埋地下并让我工作。 两年,十年,然后乘客问列车员: 这是什么地方? 我们现在何处? 我是草。 让我工作。

Our Hells


Milton unlocked hell for us and let us have a look. Dante did the same. Each of these hells is special. One is Milton’s, one Dante’s. Milton put in all that for him was hell on earth. Dante put in all that for him was hell on earth. If you unlock your hell for me And I unlock my hell for you They will be two special hells, Each of us showing what for us is hell on earth. Yours is one hell, mine another.


密尔顿给我们开启了地狱 让我们看一看。 但丁做了同样的事。 每个地狱都很独特。 一个是密尔顿的, 一个是但丁的。 密尔顿写下了一切他的 人间地狱。 但丁写下了一切他的 人间地狱。 若你为我开启你的地狱 而我为你开启我的地狱 它们将是两个独特的地狱, 我们每人都展示我们的 人间地狱。 你的是一个地狱, 我的是另一个地狱。

Letters to Dead Imagists


Emily Dickinson: You gave us the bumblebee who has a soul, The everlasting traveler among the hollyhocks, And how God plays around a backyard garden. Stevie Crane: War is kind and we never knew the kindness of war till you came; Nor the black riders and spear and shield our of the sea Nor the mumblings and shots that rise from dreams on call.


艾米莉-狄金森: 你给了我们有灵魂的大黄蜂, 蜀葵之中永远的旅行者, 及上帝在后花园周围如何玩耍。 斯蒂文-克莱恩: 战争是仁慈的。而直到你来前我们不知道战争是仁慈的; 也不知道海里冒出的黑色骑士和矛与盾, 也不知道想有就有的梦中发生的含糊话语和枪击。

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