  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Mario Li


Poet and translator. Under Chinese pen name Laoha, he translates and writes poems both in English and Chinese. He was born in China in 1960 and now lives in Northern Nevada, USA.


Mario Li



There is no need any more to take two to three hours every day to shovel the snow out of the driveway There is no need any more to drive slowly on the icy road with great cautions on the way to work There is no need any more to curse the once in a hundred year snow storm that, on and off, lasted three weeks long There is no need any more to worry about those hungry coyotes out of the snow covered mountains looking for food The hard to believe snow storm is already an history The appeared to be everlasting tundra has come to an end The sun is warming up the earth And the world is wakening up in peace and quiet Do you see Dripping Dripping The icicles on the eaves Are melting The same way when we come out of the extreme hardship in life Crystal clear and sparkled with beauty


再也不用 每天花两三个小时 清除门前的积雪, 再也不用 在上班的路上 小心翼翼地行驶, 再也不用 咒骂那近百年未遇 铺天盖地的风暴, 再也不用 担心后山雪封后 饿急了的郊狼。 弥漫的风雪已成为往事, 漫长的冰冻已经结束。 阳光在温暖着大地, 万物在寂静里复苏。 看啊! 屋檐上的冰柱, 一滴, 一滴, 在消融。 从人生困境里走出来时的情景, 不就是这样吗? 晶莹中闪动着美丽。 02/12/2005

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