  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Yan Li


Poet, painter, fiction writer, born in 1954 in Beijing, China. He is a member of a vanguard artist group "The Stars" founded in 1979 and an underground literary group "Today" in Beijing. As a poet, he is regarded as one of the members of the Misty Poets. He came to US in 1985 and founded quarterly journal Yi-Hang in New York in 1987. His poems have been translated into French, Italian, English, Swedish, Korean and German. He has held many exhibitions and published a number of books. He lives in Shanghai and New York.


Paul Manfredi

Paul Manfredi received his Phd in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Indiana University in 2001. He is currently an assistant professor of Chinese at Pacific Lutheran University and specializes in modern and contemporary Chinese poetry and visual culture. Recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese and Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。


Icicles Melting Beneath the Eaves

温度对生命的重要性 不仅仅是热胀冷缩 温度还能生产或消灭颜色 歌唱或沉默 甚至文字因温度而朦胧或清澈 你或者游泳 或者躲在棉衣里 或者奔放或者收拢枝条上的一切 大自然说四季不能同时共存 甚至一样的温度 也还有春秋之分 甚至屋檐下融化的冰柱 也有国家之别 体会嘴中积压多年之后 滴落的口水 中国人最能体会: 什么叫做因为温度的允许 可以说几句真话了 02/16/2005

The importance of temperature to life Is more than mere heat expansion and cold retraction Temperature bears and extinguishes color Creates song and silence Even obscures or enlivens writing itself Whether you are swimming Or wrapping yourself in cotton clothing Releasing out or gathering it all in from branches Nature places four seasons in succession Even a single temperature Has its spring and fall Even the icicles under the eaves Have a nation of origin Chinese like no other appreciate the saliva Excreted under years of pressured silence: The feeling of saying a few truthful words When the temperature is finally just right (Translated by Paul Manfredi)


What am I

我踢过兔子 骂过绵羊 养过狗 讨好过老虎 躲开过狼 如果把我所提到的这些动物 都看作人的话 我就是唯一的动物 2006

I have Kicked rabbits Cursed sheep Kept a dog Appeased a tiger Hidden from wolves If all these animals are seen as men Then I am the only animal (Translated by Denis Mair)

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