  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Fuzhi Zhao


Fuzhi Zhao has published more than 80 poems in China and abroad. He serves as a poetry editor in several poetry journals and e-journals,including Chinese Poetry.


Anna Yin

星子,加拿大安大略诗人协会会员,加拿大华语诗人协会理事。毕业于南京大学计算机系,99年移民加拿大。著有两本英文诗集和中英诗合集《作别向日葵》。自2003年开始写诗,在海外发表50多首中英文诗歌。其英文诗集荣获加拿大2005年 Ted Plantos纪念奖。现居多伦多。

Anna Yin, born in China, obtained a B.S. in Computer Science in NanJing University in 1992, immigrated to Canada in 1999. She received the Ted Plantos memorial award in 2005. She is a member of The Ontario Poetry Society and one of the directors of the Canadian Chinese Poets Association. She has dozens of poems published and also published poetry collections Jasmine Star Light, Beyond My Knowing and Farewell to Sunflowers. She lives in Toronto.


A Melting Icicle on the Eaves

从一滴晶莹中醒来 剔透的岁月,和思绪 一一展开 如果,一滴声响 是屋檐下一个故事的轮回 一段往事,勾起暗伤的牵挂 那么,缘分的土地上 我们树状的莫名,坚持的 是尘世的浮躁,还是临风的典雅 放飞满天的蔚蓝,好想 再看一眼悠悠的风,好想 捞一把天中的蓝,安抚 疲惫的心跳和透明的叹息,还有 我们见风流泪的眼睛 12/07/2005


Awakened from a drop of crystal, the transparent time and mind Unwind-- Each echo, a cycle of the tale, under the eave; a phase of bygone longing. On fate-earth, do we stretching roots insist on the flow of fickleness, or the surety of grace? Release blue into the sky, I desire another glance of vagabond breeze, caress of the cloud. I yearn to ease the thirst of fatigue, lucid sighs,and the eyes crying in the wind.

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