  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a family well known for educational and political activity. After the Civil War Dickinson lived a secluded life. Although she started writing poetry around 1850, almost all of her poems were discovered and published after her death.


I'm Nobody! Who Are You?...


I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us ─don't tell! They'd banish us, you know. How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!


我是个无名小卒!你呢? 你也是个无名小卒? 那我们可成了对──别说出来! 你知道,他们会把我们放逐。 做一个名人多可怕! 众目之下,象只青蛙 整天哇哇高唱自己的名字 对着一个咂咂赞美的泥淖! (非马 译)

Two Swimmers Wrestled on the Spar...


Two swimmers wrestled on the spar Until the morning sun, When one turned smiling to the land. O God, the other one! The stray ships passing spied a face Upon the waters borne, With eyes in death still begging raised, And hands beseeching thrown.


两个泳者在甲板上搏斗 直到朝阳东升, 当一个微笑着转向陆地。 天哪,另一个! 路过的船只看到一张脸 在水面漂荡, 在死亡里依然举目乞求, 双手哀恳地伸张。 (非马 译)

If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking...


If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.


如果我能使一颗心免于破碎, 我便没白活; 如果我能使一个生命少受点罪, 或缓和一点痛苦, 或帮助一只昏迷的知更鸟 再度回到他的窝, 我便没白活。 (非马 译)

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