  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu

William Marr (Fei Ma)

诗人非马出版有十四本诗集 (除《秋窗 》是英文外,其它都是中文) 以及几本翻译,包括双语诗选《让盛宴开始──我喜爱的英文诗》。他还编选出版了几本台湾及中国现代诗选。他是前任伊利诺州诗人协会的会长,现居芝加哥。

William Marr (Fei Ma) is the author of fourteen books of poetry (all in his native Chinese language except Autumn Window which is in English) and several books of translations, including the bilingual anthology Let the Feast Begin—My Favorite English Poems.  He has also edited and published several anthologies of contemporary Taiwanese and Chinese poetry.  A longtime resident of Chicago, he served from 1993 to 1995 as the president of the Illinois State Poetry Society.


William Marr (Fei Ma)


A Midsummer-Day's Dream

他把她的慵懒 拿在手里把玩良久 有如抱一只心爱的猫在膝上 抚摩她柔滑无痕的皮毛 白花花的阳光里 冷不防冒出一句 『在黑暗里所有的猫都是灰猫』 露骨而刺眼 就在这当儿 他感到她那随著他的手 有韵律地伸缩起伏的颈背 突然停顿了下来 看她懒洋洋地伸了个懒腰 眯著的眼里溢满笑意 嘴巴微微张开正准备 打呵欠 却猛然掉头用闪电的迅疾 把他灰鼠般 一口衔在嘴里 附注:富兰克林曾在一篇叫「老情妇寓言』的文章里(原稿 现存费城罗森巴赫图书馆及基金会),写信劝一位朋友找一 个老情妇。说是,不管年轻年老,『在黑暗里所有的猫都是 灰猫』。


He holds her laziness in his hand and plays with it for a long time as if he is holding his favorite cat on his knee stroking her silky fur From a shadow in the glaring sun suddenly words leap out In the dark all Cats are grey blinding and hurting his eyes he feels a pause under his stroking hand he then watches her take a long stretch and with her half-closed eyes full of languor her mouth slowly opens and is about to yawn yet with the speed of a grey flash she snatches at him and holds him in her mouth like a rat (In his “Old Mistress Apologue,” Franklin advises a friend to take an old mistress, saying, as in the dark all cats are grey, it is impossible of two women to know an old from a young one.)


不满意不满意不满意 直摇著头的艺术家 又一次把大地的画布涂白 重新来过 嫩绿 只是试笔


no good no good no good shaking violently his head the artist whitens his canvas for a fresh start tender green just a test stroke


没有人见过 真的龙颜 即使 恕卿无罪 抬起头来 但在高耸的屋脊 人们塑造龙的形象 绘声绘影 连几根胡须 都不放过


Emperors were regarded in old China as divine manifestations of dragons no one has ever seen a real dragon even with imperial permission to raise one's head yet on the towering rooftops people sculpted the images of dragons omitting not even such a minute detail as the scanty whiskers


Entering Venice on a Rainy Day

我们一走下游览车 妩媚多情的威尼斯 便迎了过来 伸出无数温柔的小手 要把我们揽进 她的怀里 有备而来的女士们 这时候纷纷探手入行囊 掏出雨伞 把眼睛发亮嘴巴张得大大的老伴们 一个个 给勾了回去


as we stepped off the tour bus the passionate Venice greeted us with her embracing tender little arms but the ladies were well-prepared they took the umbrellas out of their bags and hooked their mates of twinkling eyes and gaping mouths pulling them right back to their senses


Grasshopper World

奋力一 跃 发现头顶上 还有一大截自由的空间 顿时 郁绿的世界 明亮开阔 压抑不住的 生之欢愉 此起彼落 弹性十足


leaping upward it finds plenty of room in the world above smothering lush green opens up and brightens the irrepressible joy of life bouncing up and down like a spring



火炼过水浸过 雨打过风刮过 这颗晶莹浑圆的 小石子 此刻被放在 阳光耀眼的路上 静静等待 一只天真好玩的 脚 一路踢滚下去


fire-burned water-soaked rain-beaten wind-swiped this little shiny pebble lies on a sunlit road and quietly awaits a playful little foot to kick it onward



这阵温柔的风 想必来自 你一个甜蜜的叹息 此刻正诱使花们 纷纷吐露芳香 并激发一个幸福的微颤 在叶子同我身上 沙沙掠过


a puff of air from your sweet sigh must have caused this breeze that entices the flowers to release their fragrance and sends a shudder passing through the leaves and me


Neighbor's Flowers

多年邻居的老先生几天前去世了 他们阳台上开得正茂的几盆花 今天早上都垂下了头 爱花的老太太想必没听昨晚的新闻 不知道夜里有一场早来的霜


a week ago our neighbor Eddie passed away this morning I saw the potted flowers on their patio all drooped and withered his wife Helen who loves flowers so much must not have heard the weather report warning of an early frost


Tears, Ink and Blood
-- For the War Dead

墨水太快干 泪水太淡 只有鲜血 一写成历史 任你怎么洗刷 都一样刺眼 红晶晶 永远不会褪色


ink dries too quick tears are pale only with blood once written will never wash out it remains an eye-piercing red in history


Desert Flower

夕阳下 一株红艳绝伦的花 在腥风臊热中悠悠醒来 噩梦里有震耳的雷声横飞的暴雨 履带辘辘子弹呼啸喊爹叫娘 接著是一片死寂 后来它记起 它是海市蜃楼中 一株清凉隐现的 小蓝花


under the setting sun a flower of absurd red awakens to the stinking heat gradually she recollects the thunder-filled nightmare treads rumbling bullets whistling humans crying then dead silence finally she remembers she was a cool little blue flower amid the mirage


Memorial Day

在阿灵顿国家公墓 他们用隆重的军礼 安葬自越战归来 这位无名的兵士 但我们将如何安葬 那千千万万 在战争里消逝 却拒绝从亲人的心中 永远死去的名字


At Arlington, someone Unknown goes down The thousands, the thousands Who have gone down in faraway fields But who won't die in the heart -- How do we bury The thousands



礼拜天下午没球赛 这个国家一大半的男人 他们的脸 将比关掉的电视机 还阴暗 会动脑筋的节目制作者 于是搬出飞机导弹坦克与大炮 把家家户户的萤光幕 都渲染成七月四日 缤纷灿烂的夜空 卫星现场转播 战争的电玩 电玩的战争 超级杯 在中东沙漠


sunday afternoon without any ball game most of the faces in this country would be as dark as the TV screens so the smart producers pull out bombers and missiles and tanks and cannons to light up every screen splendid as the night sky on the fourth of July satellite broadcasts electronic games of war war of electronic games Superbowl played in the desert of the Middle East


War Arithmetic

双方都宣称 歼敌无数 双方都声明 我方无损失 谁也搞不清 这战争的数字 只有那些不再开口的 心里有数


Both sides claim numerous enemies have been killed Both sides declare we've suffered no losses Nobody understands the arithmetic of war Only the fallen know the number


On the Treacherous Night Sea

今夜凶险的海面 必有破烂的难民船 鬼魂般出现 在欲睡未睡的 眼皮上颠簸 向越来越窄小的 人类良知的港口 向一盏接一盏 熄灭了灯火 的脑门 死命划去


a broken refugee boat appears like a ghost on the tired sleepless eyelids jolting and rolling toward the ever-narrowing harbor of humanity toward the shore where the lights die out one after another

( Tears, Ink and Blood, Desert Flower,Memorial Day,Superbowl and War Arithmetic were first published on poetsagainstthewar.com and voicesinwartime.com. )

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