  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu

Yang Ping


A lover of life and poetry, a citizen of the universe born on Earth, Yang Ping has won a number of prizes for poetry. A number of his poems have been translated into foreign languages, including English, Hapanese, Korean, French and German. His books of poetry include Spirit Rain in the Mountains, The Eternal Totem, I Stand Alone at the Edge of the World, Imaginary Realms and Blue Impressions Floating on the Water.


Yang Ping


If Death Were Like a Plague

落雾前 一座空城 自黄昏边缘出现 足音 沉重的 穿过 一条条对峙长街 时间 逐渐衰竭的 静止在 阴影尽头: 没有灯火 没有异象 没有兽 泪水突然涌上了眼眶 --如果死亡像瘟疫一样


Before the frost In an empty city The horizon emerges from the dusk The sound of footsteps Heavily Passes through a series of long, imposing boulevards Time Gradually and feebly, comes to a standstill Where shadows end There are no lights There are no apparitions There are no living things Tears suddenly well up in my eyes ——as if death were a plague


Rebirth - To The Who Dead Are Undead

现在,他们是风, 吹拂我 是雨,是我体内流动的歌 “死亡”使他们活得更宽阔、更真实! ——生活中的每一件事 大气中的每一粒微尘都是菩提,都是见证! 生命啊, 每每透过尸解抵达另一层境界 如同花叶回到大地,浪子返回故乡 或迟或早,或以各自的方式 总有一日 我们都将在神圣的花园中心会面 和天使散步,观赏白鸽之舞 以指、以耳、以辐射状的触及 螺旋式的喜悦 感受:尴尬中的优雅 ——久别的老友都围了过来 星辰在我们脚下,时间在我们掌心 巨大的宝瓶高高升起—— 欢喜赞叹、欢喜赞叹 一切奥祕都在微笑中澄明自解 欢喜赞叹、欢喜赞叹 我们浴在光中而又无不如意??? 直到红尘的彼端再度发出传呼—— 这次,也许是你,也许是 另一宇宙灵魂 潇洒地挥挥手 金星在上 人间又诞生了一名婴儿


At this moment, they are breeze, blowing over me, they are the rain, the song flowing through my body. Death has made their lives more expansive and true. —Everything that happens in life each particle in the atmosphere is bodhi and testimony. Oh, Life! You always reach another state by dissolving the dead, just as fallen leaves return to the earth and wanderers return home, sooner or later, each in his own way, (there always comes a day ) We will meet in the middle of the holy garden, walking with angels and enjoying the dance of doves. Through fingers, ears and radiant touches, A swirling delight We will feel: the grace of tranquility. —All of our long-lost friends will gather round. With stars beneath our feet and Time in the palms of our hands. Giant Aquarius will rise high above— Jubilation,adoration,jubilation,adoration, All mysteries will be clearly revealed in smiles. Jubilation, adoration, jubilation, adoration, We will be bathed in light and all will be as we wish… Until a summons comes out yet again from the far side of the earthly world— perhaps for you this time, or perhaps for another soul from the universe, leisurely waving his hands. With Venus above, Another baby is coming into the world.

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