  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu

Yan Li


Poet, painter, fiction writer, born in 1954 in Beijing, China. He is a member of a vanguard artist group "The Stars" founded in 1979 and an underground literary group "Today" in Beijing. As a poet, he is regarded as one of the members of the Misty Poets. He came to US in 1985 and founded quarterly journal Yi-Hang in New York in 1987. His poems have been translated into French, Italian, English, Swedish, Korean and German. He has held many exhibitions and published a number of books. He lives in Shanghai and New York.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan (Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。

Paulette Roberts

Born in the United States in 1964. Learned Chinese during 1984-1985 at The People’s University of China, Beijing. Received Bachelor of Arts from Vassar College, New York. Won Sophia Chen Zen Memorial Prize for the best thesis in Asian Studies and The Diligent Student Award from Vassar College. She lives in New York.

1964年出生于美国。1984至1985在中国北京的人民大学学习中文。1986年获得纽约凡萨大学艺术学士学位。1982年获得中文学习优秀学生奖。 1986年获得凡萨大学Sophia Chen Zen纪念奖。现居纽约。


让梦和梦相爱 我们睡觉 睡到被梦和梦的婚礼吵醒 我们不吵 因为语言早就在公元前 列入了凶器的行列 所以 去看唇膏的广告 梦也曾是私奔的男女 留下衣架上的衣服一如我们 布在冬天的鼓舞中 也学会了生长 那就让布和布相爱吧 我们裸露着睡觉 梦也曾是蚊子 把我们叮醒之后就撒手不管了 连房子也浑身发痒 那就让消防队员来喷洒止痒水 但这是理想 其实我们每一次被梦叮醒 都发现 没地方可挠 1984

Let dreams love dreams We sleep Until disturbed by the dreams' wedding We make no sound Because language, before Christ Was placed in the rank of lethal weapons So Go look at a lipstick Ad The dreams could also elope The clothing left on the hangers resembles us During Winter's inspiration Cloth also knows to grow up So then let cloth love cloth We sleep nude The dreams could also be mosquitos After stinging us awake they wash their hands of the affair Then the entire house itches The fire brigade sprays anesthetizing water But this is an ideal Each time dreams sting us awake We discover there is no place to scratch Translated by Paulette Roberts


I am Snow

我是雪 我被太阳翻译成水 我是水 我把种子翻译成植物 我是植物 我把花朵翻译成果实 我是果实 我被父母翻译成生命 我是生命 我被衰老翻译成死亡 我是死亡 我被冬季翻译成雪 我是雪 我被太阳翻译成水 1989

I am snow The sun translates me into water I am water I translate seeds into plants I am plant I translate flowers into fruit I am fruit My parents translate me into life I am life Old age translates me into death I am death Winter translates me into snow I am snow The sun translates me into water Translated by Denis Mair


New York

没到过纽约就等于没到过美国 但美国人对纽约抱有戒心 到过纽约就等于延长了生命 一年就可以经历其他地方十年的经验 集中了人类社会所有种族经验的那个人 名叫纽约 在纽约可以深入地发现 自己被自己的恶毒扭曲成弹簧 世界上许多有名的弹簧 都出自纽约的压力 啊 纽约的司机 好象要带领世界的潮流去闯所有传统的红灯 但是 别忘了小费 到过纽约这个大花园的游客们都知道 住在纽约的蜜蜂们 甚至学会了从塑料的花朵里面吸出蜂蜜 绰号"大苹果"的纽约 这苹果并非仅仅在夏娃和亚当之间传递 而是夏娃递给了夏娃 亚当递给了亚当 大声咀嚼的权力掀起了许多同性的高潮 入夜的纽约啊 在吞噬了白天繁忙的阳光之后 早就迫不及待地解开了灯光的纽扣 坦率的欲望 就像所有的广告都擦过口红 妓女 妓女虽然是纽约非法的药 但生活常常为男人开出的药方是: 妓女一名 纽约纽约 纽约是用自由编织的翅膀 胜利者雇佣了许多人替他们飞翔 多少种人生的汽车在纽约的大街上奔驰啊 不管你是什么牌子的创造发明者 或者你使用了最大的历史的轮胎 但纽约的商人已经在未来的路上设立了加油站 纽约纽约 纽约在自己的心脏里面洗血 把血洗成流向世界各地的可口可乐 1996

If you haven’t been to New York you haven’t been to America, But Americans keep up their guard about New York. Being in New York is equal to lengthening your lifespan. The experience you get in a year takes ten years in other places. He who combines the experience of all human races Is a person named New York. In New York you make a sobering discovery: You get twisted by your own meanness into a spring. Many of the world’s famous springs Emerged from the pressures of New York. And the cabbies of New York Are ready to take world trends through all the red lights of tradition, But when they do, Don’t forget the tip. Travelers in this garden of New York all know The honeybees of New York have no problem Getting nectar from plastic flowers. New York is nicknamed the “Big Apple,” But this apple is not just passed from Adam to Eve. Eve has also passed it to Eve, And Adam to Adam. New York at nightfall, Before it swallows the last rays of hectic day, Is frantic to twist the buttons of lamplight. Up-front desires always put on lipstick Just like all the advertisements. Prostitutes are one of New York’s illegal drugs, But the prescription that life writes for a fellow Is often “one whore, to be taken at night.” New York, New York This place where freedom is woven into wings And winners hire people to fly for them. The cars of so many ways of life cruise down New York’s avenues. No matter what make and model you invent, No matter how great the historical span of your tires, New York’s merchants have set up a gas station on your future road. New York, New York New York filters the blood of the world through its heart; It filters blood into Coca-Cola and sends it flowing everywhere in the world. Translated by Denis Mair



经过了许多年的等待 我的鱼钩啊 终于在没有鱼的池塘里 自己游了起来 但在更多年的游动之后 它满脸无奈地 一口吞下了自己 2000

After all these years of waiting This fishhook of mine In the pond without fish Starts swimming for itself Then after more years of swimming With a look of resignation It gulps itself down Translated by Denis Mair



我与可口可乐合拍了一张影像 但朋友们都说看不出有甚麼夫妻相 都说他太老太黑太多物质的狂妄 虽然百年来他有全球共识的卖相 朋友们还说为了我那下一代的质量 绝不能光从经济上考虑配偶的优良 于是我一次次地把全身心的情感酝酿 直到我在各种条件的衡量中乱了方向 直到我再也没有青春的优势与他人较量 直到我内心只剩下一片天寒地冻的凄凉 直到我最终把忏悔词喊得山响 直到如冰块沉浮在可乐中的我 不再谈论除消费之外的任何理想 2001.7.21

Coca Cola and I had our picture taken recently But friends say they don’t see much compatibility They say he’s too old, too dark, and crazy materially Though everyone knows he has sold well for a century Friends say that for the sake of heredity I shouldn’t just rate a spouse economically With body and soul I brew up affection repeatedly Till I start to measure my advantages erratically Till my youthful head start starts deserting me Till the chill of a lonely world settles inwardly Till my repentant cries echo boomingly Till I feel like an ice-cube, bobbing about in cola Now consuming is all, ideals don’t appeal to me Translated by Denis Mair


The Exchange Rate of Values

今天 我用二十一世纪的脚步踏进银行 查阅美金与人民币的兑换率 一比八点几的现实还是没有改变 我再次体会已经麻木了的失望 多少年了 我一直在琢磨 一斤美国肉等于八斤多中国肉的两头猪 它们不同的价值观 是如何形成的 如何确定的 又是被如何吃出来的 2003

Today I take 21st Century steps into the bank To check on the exchange rate between US dollars and Chinese yuan One to eight-point-something Still no change I'm feeling this same old disappointment For so many years How can there be an eight--to-one difference Between the values of a Chinese and an American pig? Aside from God, who figures this out? And what kind of global value is found in the eating? Translated by Denis Mair



现实是最大的理发店 每次理发时 为修饰外观而被剪掉的那一部分 名叫诗歌 2002.12

Social reality is the biggest barbershop Every time you go in for a haircut The part cut off to keep up appearances Is called poetry Translated by Denis Mair


The Bright Sunday Sunlight

星期天的阳光明媚 我们几乎把露天咖啡馆 坐成了度假的沙滩 我们谈到了美妙的生命和爱情 甚至谈到的死亡也是浪漫的 我们谈到了 自杀者到了另一个世界之后 如果再自杀一次 就又回到了这个世界 星期天的阳光啊 真他妈的太明媚 2003

In the bright Sunday sunlight we sit in the garden cafe talking about death and travel about suicide from this world to another after the dead arrive in the other world they return to this one with another suicide The bright Sunday sunlight It’s really damn bright Translated by Denis Mair


Gazing Intently

端详一小块剪下来的指甲 就是端详自己的一部分 一小段过去的生长史 一小片不再属于自己的自己 一旦喜欢了这种实实在在 无恨无爱的感觉 就会喜欢成为垃圾的生命 2004.4

To gaze intently at a sliver of fingernail Is to gaze at a part of myself One chapter from the history of my growth A piece of myself that no longer belongs to myself If I can ever appreciate this truthful perception Free from hate and love I will appreciate how life turns to garbage Translated by Denis Mair

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