  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu

Yao Bin


Born in 1972. His poems were published in Poetry, Stars Poetry, Selected Poetry, New World Poetry and dozens of poetry journals. A member of the Writers’ Association in Chongqing, he works in Fulin Daily in Chongqing.


Guo Hezi


Born in Jiangxi province, China, in 1973, a graduate student from USST, majored in English and American literature, researching on the poetry translation, with translated poems published in such magazines as Xingxing Potry Journal, Poetry Journal etc.



我最大的理想是 把天空装满水 把我鱼缸里的那只小金鱼 养在天空


One of my biggest ideals is to fill the sky with water that can keep alive the small goldfish confined to my fish bowl (Translated by Guo Hezi)


Can We Be a Little More Noble?

不能独辟蹊径,绝对不能 不能轻举妄动,绝对不能 绝对不能,不能忽浅忽深 绝对不能,不能光芒万丈 向右一点,把暴雨向右移一点 向左一点,把情人向左移一点 向下一点,把头颅向下移一点 向上一点,把今天向上移一点 把坚固的死亡松动一下 把春天的阀门拧紧一下 让修补的叙述通俗一些 让柔软的鞭子耿直一些 前面有风行水上 后面有脚踏实地 中间有我行我素 哎,能不能再委琐一点 哎,能不能再高尚一点


Never developing a new style, nay never in indiscretion, nay nay, never shallow or deep from time to time nay, never gloriously radiant Rightwards a bit, guide rainstorms rightwards a bit leftwards a bit, direct lovers leftwards a bit downwards a bit, move heads rightwards a bit upwards a bit, put today upwards a bit Loosen the rigid death tighten the valve of the spring make the amended narration more plain and simple make the soft whips more straight and frank The wind travels on the water ahead the feet walk on the earth behind in the middle I persist in my old ways well, why not a little more humble Well, why not a little more noble (Translated by Guo Hezi)


My Decreasing Hearing

时间又在低语些什么,无影无踪 我的左耳有些衰败了 一万种声音,是良莠不齐的一亿只鸟发出的 我的右耳已把人拒绝了 和鸟较劲 和安静的草叶幽会 而我的右耳告诉我的左耳 许下的诺言都会得到预期的效果 但我听到诺言了吗? “声势凌厉的美人哟” 你把诱惑做得像草叶一样均匀 进入我的视线吧 我还没有说到的假想敌 我还没有说出的神圣之光 我能看见的黑暗 我能感知的迷惑 你们互相倾听 你们互相告知吧 享受那些漂浮的奇迹吧 我已让出了很大的距离 我为逐渐衰败的听力 让出了很大的距离


Time seems to be whispering again, shadowless and traceless I have suffered decreased hearing in the left ear Ten thousand types of sound are uttered by one hundred million birds pleasant or dreadful my right ear has turned down the person struggling with birds trysting with grass leaves quiet But my right ear tells the left one about the promises made that could all be fulfilled but have I heard them? "oh, a fiercely looking beauty" you made temptation as even as the grass leaves into the line of my sight I have not yet spoke of supposed enemies nor of sacred light the darkness I can see and the bewilderment I can feel listening attentively to each other letting each other know enjoying those floating miracles I have given away a large distance I have given it away for my decreasing hearing (Translated by Guo Hezi)

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