  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Andrea D. Lingenfelter
  Timothy Liu



Shih Ru Bin, born in 1964, a Buddhist living in a convent in Taiwan, adapted "zenyueh" as her pen name in writing.



Laoha, born in China in 1960, originally Li Xiaoqing, moved to USA in 1986, now Xiaoqing Mario Li, Laoha is his penname. He started to write and translate poetry in 2000, most of his works are posted on the Internet. Some of his poetic works and translations are collected in some poetry anthologies published in USA, Great Britain and China, He was also one of the editors in the anthology "The Fine Selections of China Poet 2003".

老哈,1960年生于中国成都,原名李小庆,1986年来美,现名Xiaoqing Mario Li,老哈为其笔名。2000年开始写诗并且翻译,作品多见于网络,英语汉语均有。部分作品已被收入近十种不同的纸版诗集,在英美及中国等地出版。2004年参与了《中国诗人网站2003年诗歌精选》的编辑工作。


Study "Lotus Sutra" in the Winter Night

(一) 再也不需要记事本了 生命如此煎迫 年少的诗篇填满那印着数字 的栏位 今天 明天 春分 冬至 你匆匆走过 我青丝成雪 (二) 冬夜梦回灵山 妙法莲华 映照 你的拈花 他的微笑 天雨曼陀罗花 注盈一整个夏天 止止不须说 止止不须说 (三) 细雨扉扉 檐前落叶 往劫之爱憎 停驻在我忧伤的容颜 恋慕你的绵绵絮叨 开权显实 唯一妙法 教我孤傲懵懂的心 走出一片庄严


1 The notebooks are no longer needed Life is so pressing Those numbered lines and paragraphs stuffed up with The pieces of youthful poetry Today Tomorrow Spring equinox Winter solstice In a big hurry you passed by My black hairs turned into white snow 2 In a winter night dream Back to the Spirit Mountain Gridhrakuta The wonderful Lotus Sutra shone on The flower in between your fingertips And the smile on his face The rain of Mandarava flowers Poured from heaven for a whole summer Stop Stop No need to speak Stop Stop No need to speak 3 The rain kept sprinkling Passed by the eaves the leaves falling Love and hate out of the karma Glued on the sorrowful face of mine Attracted to your soft and gentle chattering Removing the barriers Showing the truth The Lotus Sutra The only wonderful Sutra Leading my ignorant and arrogant mind Out into a solemn peace

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