  Yidan Han

Boshuang Wang

1962年生。 就读厦门大学中文系期间任《采贝》诗社主编。曾在《飞天》、《厦门文学》、菲律宾《世界日报》、《华侨大学报》等十多家刊物发表诗歌和散文。现供职于福建省某政府机关。

Born in 1962. He was the editor-in-chief of Caibei—the poetry journal of Xiamen University during his studies at the Chinese Department. He has published poetry and non-fiction in over a dozen poetry journals and newspapers—Feitian, Xiamen Literature, World News (Philippines). He lives in Fuzhou and works for Fujian government in China.


Ying Yun


A Single Hand

一 昼的天空显得很高 天堂鸟在风中高唱地狱之歌 一座孤独的桥 被凄婉的黑暗所围困 一支破碎的帆 在一盏孤灯里飘摇 此时 你孤掌难鸣 摊开手掌 无数桥上过客的身姿起舞 翻手无云 覆手无雨 黑夜里看不见那流淌的河 流向何方 而你的船在河中搁浅 此时,守夜人独自睡去 昏死的天地无人看守 二 将双手擎起一片雷声 远近皆是一种无根浮萍 随风四处漂游 随雨八方流淌 你伸开五指 就一片喧嚣蹈之舞之 以歌者的韵律弹破三弦 三弦的余音 锯断眼中的风筝 纸鸢如雁归去 空旷的苍穹 不留回声 此刻 你已明白孤掌难鸣 知音是自己的影子或跫音 在天与地之间 和你一唱一和 三 眼中的枯木已将春天遗忘 弱柳枝条无力撑起天空 冰寒之河是凝固的泪 落满寒鸦的屋脊 亦是一个僵硬的传说 你独对天空无语凝噎 闲云是无根之雨 而野鹤 而野鹤是独来独往的你 整个十二时辰你无动于衷 那是游魂未归 黑森林丛生 将一声呐喊凭空切断 四 为自己喝一声倒彩 你 倾听多年的露水 打湿 苍凉在握的手掌心 那个世界很小又很大 纵横风云 交织日月 却握不住一把岁月如梭 如风沙 漏尽更迷的千言万语 始终无奈 即使将 将五指曲成 坐禅一般的山峰 无论如何 你的目光 同样无法逾越


1. The sky of Day seems very high Birds of Paradise in the wind singing the song of hell A lonely bridge Besieged by the plaintive darkness A broken sail Shaking in a lonely lamp Now, you cannot clap with a single hand Spreading your palms Numerous passing travelers dancing on the bridge Turning your palm: cloudless Turning back: rainless In the dark you cannot see Where the river flows Your boat mooring in the river When the night watcher is in dreams by himself No one guards the drowsy sky and earth 2. Holding up the thunder with your hands Far and near: rootless duckweed Drifting with wind Flowing with rain You spread all your fingers Dancing against the noise Breaking with a singer’s rhythm of Sanxian, Whose lingering sound Saws the kite in your eyes Torn paper flying away like geese Empty firmament Does not hold an echo Now, you know that one hand cannot clap Your bosom friend is your own shadow or sound of your footsteps Between sky and earth Singing with you 3. Withered trees in your eyes have forgotten spring Hands of weak willow cannot lift sky up A freezing river is a drop of frozen tear A roof crowded with winter crows Is another frozen myth Facing the sky, you are wordless Drifting cloud is rain rootless Yet a wild crane A wild crane is you, self-determining For twelve hours you have been motionless Waiting for the straying soul to return Black forest grows thick Cutting a cry against emptiness 4. Booing for yourself, you Listen to aged dews that wet Your palm holding the desolate The world is small yet large Where wind and cloud loom Sun and moon interweave But it cannot keep time from flying away Like wind and sand Leaking out the perplexing words Without choice Even you are going to bend your fingers Into mountains meditating You still cannot See through

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