  Yidan Han

Ying Yun


Ying Yun was born in Hunan, China. She immigrated to USA in 1990s and graduated from California State University. She has published some poems and essays on newspapers. She lives in Los Angeles, California.


Ying Yun


The Cherry Peddler

我的苦恼有些杞人忧天: 即便今天买下你手中所有的樱桃 也不能结束你日复一日 烈日下的贩卖 那是你的生活: 白色日光榨干你所有的忧伤 每一颗脱手的樱桃 是枯竭土地上的一颗汗珠 丰收只是个没有结局的神话


My worries sound groundless: I can buy all the cherries in your hands But I cannot end your peddling In the burning sun day after day That’s your life: The white sun has extracted all your sadness Every sold cherry is a drop of sweat Falling onto the drought-biting land Harvest, a fairy tale without end


A Woman on the Bridge

落在你伞上的 是六月下午六时的炫日 落山前最后一次喷吐 还有疲倦了一日的噪音 与川流不息的习以为常 你站在没有风景的桥上 往日落的方向观望 也就是十里外的海 海早已消失,消失在黄昏 不能坠地的尘嚣


What’s falling on your umbrella is the blazing sunlight At six p.m. in June, noise Tired from the day, and Familiarity that never ends Standing on a bridge without landscape you look at the sunset in which way A sea is ten miles away which has vanished into the dust that cannot fall at dusk


Blue Rose

画布上一片广袤的蓝,越过那色彩 一朵玫瑰缓然舒展,悠远着 轻波飘渺的歌声 花心的静谧揪住了我 --- 是什么藏于歌声中? 又前往何处? 暗自猜询,那四溢的祥和 与欢乐都不能释然我怀 循着歌声,我见到--- 静静深藏的火焰 玫瑰的灵魂? 这生中我们谁不曾渴望,燃烧 而后平息在殆尽的 静寂里? 谁又不是凝神倾听 花开瞬间才悄悄 绽放的秘密?


A boundless blue on a canvas; beyond its color A rose slowly stretching, spreading A soft song The stillness in the flower heart seizes me-- What’s hiding in the song? And where is it going? I ask myself privately; even that overflowing peace And joy cannot relieve my from thinking Tracing along the song, I see-- Lowly-burning and deeply-hiding fire The spirit of a rose? Through our life Who has never dreamed of burning And quietening down In the silence of ashes? Who has never held breath to listen To the secrets of a flower At the moment of its opening?

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