  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Tom Chandler

Tom Chandler is the poet laureate of Rhode Island. He is the author of four books of poems, and is a professor of creative writing at Bryant University.



Ben Kiang


Ben Kiang was a native of Yantai,Shandong,China. He moved to Hong Kong in his childhood with his parents and graduated from Hong Kong Chinese University. He has lived in the United States for many years and now lives in Qingdao,Shangdong,China.

Hard Music


The hammers of the builders of the house across the street sometimes fall by accident inside the same beat, as if the rhythm of our separate work can melt without our knowing into something far sleeker than our laboring lives and I wonder if the carpenters are happy in themselves when they realize how they improvise, how the nails bite the wood to such natural jazz, the house rising tall in grace because of hard music, lifting up its chimneyed head and shoulders to the sky.


对面房子建屋工人的大铁锤 有时候会不经意地落下在 同样的敲击中 就好像我们 不同的工作韵律 不知不觉地融入在 比我们的劳动生命更为圆润之中 而我想知道 木匠们对他们自己可会很开心 当知道他们的创意 当钉子如何依着天然爵士的乐声咬在木材上 房子因为努力的乐章 在优雅中高高地耸立起来 抬起它烟囱的头和肩膀 向着天空

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