  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editors:
  Vera Schwarcz

Anna Yin

星子,英文名Anna Yin。出生于中国湖南。毕业于南京大学电脑系。99年移民加拿大。有20多首中英文诗歌、散文发表于北美报刊和杂志。加拿大诗人联盟成员,安大略诗人协会成员,加拿大华语诗人协会理事。

Anna Yin,born in Hunan, China. She graduated from NanJing University and immigrated to Canada in 1999. She has published a number of poems on Northern American newspapers. She is a member of Canadian Federation of Poets, Ontario Poetry Society and Canadian Chinese Poets Association.


Anna Yin


Mourning for Iris Chang

我还能坚持多久, 我能感觉到灰烬, 生命的歌唱不到尽头, 我听见风把它带走? 什么是空茫, 什么是流连, 光阴是一架摆空的琴, 我听不见键击的乐音… 从我的手指滑落的, 是梦,抑或永生? 心是否追坠, 那不朽的灵魂?


How long can I endure? ashes surround me, life’s melodies broken, blown away by harsh winds. Time is an empty piano, loses its tune. slips through our fingers, dreams or eternity? How does one search for fleeting spirits?


The Trip to Lan Hill

二十年后的今天, 你来信问询, 记否峦山之行? 说那青翠的山林, 郁郁葱葱的心情; 说那乡土的地铺, 野旷天低的星云。 光阴的流逝 刻在了久远的记忆里。 如今的山林 空落得映照自己的身影, 那溶洞还是深不可及, 只有风和着潮涌, 或明或灭的烛影里, 你听见足音飘远… 沉沉的字句 抖不开夜的黑, 你说, 回味是重聚的黎明。


After twenty years, Today, I get your mail, asking if I still remember the trip to Lan Hill. You mention the lush forest where aromas of peaches refined. You recall the sparse camp site, the serene, starry night. The flow of time buried in that remote memory bubbles to the surface again. With shadows of an empty forest, and trembling candle light, the echoes gone faded. Night is dark, I hear your words, memory is the first sun rays of dawn.

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