  Yidan Han

William Marr (Fei Ma)

诗人非马出版有十四本诗集 (除《秋窗 》是英文外,其它都是中文) 以及几本翻译,包括双语诗选《让盛宴开始──我喜爱的英文诗》。他还编选出版了几本台湾及中国现代诗选。他是前任伊利诺州诗人协会的会长,现居芝加哥。

William Marr (Fei Ma) is the author of fourteen books of poetry (all in his native Chinese language except Autumn Window which is in English) and several books of translations, including the bilingual anthology Let the Feast Begin—My Favorite English Poems.  He has also edited and published several anthologies of contemporary Taiwanese and Chinese poetry.  A longtime resident of Chicago, he served from 1993 to 1995 as the president of the Illinois State Poetry Society.


William Marr (Fei Ma)



有这样美丽名字的女人 必然泼辣善舞 双臂一举 长裙轻轻一摆 便让所有的人 如受催眠不知走避 无法辨别 是决堤的海水 或涌出我们眼睛的泪 汹汹滚滚 顷刻间淹没了 一整座城 臭烘烘的水面上 有浮尸 或俯或仰 摊开双手 问天


with such a name of course she got to be a wild dancer a slight swing of her wide skirt instantly sent all watchers into a drunken stupor not able to escape nor to tell if what engulfed the city was water from the ruptured levees or tears from their eyes on the turbid water 's surface here and there were bloated bodies querying the sky with outstretched arms


Entering Venice on a Rainy Day

我们一走下游览车 妩媚多情的威尼斯 便迎了过来 伸出无数温柔的小手 要把我们揽进 她的怀里 有备而来的女士们 这时候纷纷探手入行囊 掏出雨伞 把眼睛发亮嘴巴张得大大的老伴们 一个个 给勾了回去


as we stepped off the tour bus the passionate Venice greeted us with her embracing tender little arms but the ladies were well-prepared they took the umbrellas out of their bags and hooked their mates of twinkling eyes and gaping mouths pulling them back to their senses



在镜前 精心为自己 打一个 牢牢的圈套 乖乖 让文明多毛的手 牵着脖子走


Before the mirror he carefully makes himself a tight knot to let the hairy hand of civilization drag him on

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