  Yidan Han



Born in Zhejiang, China. Now a committee member of the Chinese Association of Poets in Canada. His poems appeared on journals in USA, Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand. He lives in Victoria, Canada.


Anna Yin

星子,英文名Anna Yin。出生于中国湖南。毕业于南京大学电脑系。99年移民加拿大。有20多首中英文诗歌、散文发表于北美报刊和杂志。加拿大诗人联盟成员,安大略诗人协会成员,加拿大华语诗人协会理事。

Anna Yin,born in Hunan, China. She graduated from NanJing University and immigrated to Canada in 1999. She has published a number of poems on Northern American newspapers. She is a member of Canadian Federation of Poets, Ontario Poetry Society and Canadian Chinese Poets Association.


Master of a Wood House

(一) 退缩, 持续地退缩 回归海的苦涩, 和深沉的冷 月光下的一棵树 我是那盘踞的阴影, 一尘不染 正用残缺的纹理 包装春天的油彩 树刚好发芽, 在经历分娩前的阵痛 而我正在出生, 藏身透亮的镜内 偷看出生的全程 (二) 这是个很经典的现场 海上有个小孤岛 岛上有座小木屋 兴许是古庙, 而我是那撞钟的和尚 早晚两次, 剩下的 就打坐, 瞌睡, 或者念念有词 一些晦暗的比喻, 没人搞懂 反正我也不求甚解 只生硬记下 几百年过去 有人管那叫诗歌 (三) 海水平静, 白银打造的明镜 挂在天上, 粘贴四壁 我是小木屋的主人 用身体作抽象画 在白天学鸟叫 在冗长的夜, 则把自己抽离 一丝丝柔韧的光纤 作茧, 缚牢过往的蚊蝇 首先是绑紧自己 以免被凶悍的黑风吹走 (四) 其实, 我并没有你们想象的 那么孤独, 远离尘世 走来一位纤弱的女子 她是镜中花, 或水中月 她用爽朗的笑 擦亮我的病句, 因此营造出 一张温情的床 在木质结构的内部 我们相拥为彼此的年轮 或像啄木鸟, 用牙龈的痛 护理四季的伤寒 (五) 一棵小小的树, 这样冲破 海水的重重包围, 枝繁叶茂 精心选用三两种方言 进行东西方文明的交配 过春节, 照例发红包 为装饰情人节, 请来 纯洁的百合, 和鲜亮的玫瑰 平淡的日子, 互为感动 并一如既往, 用富裕的漫长 隐瞒种种不快。把剩下的冷漠 通通都赶下大海。把自己 竖立成一块暗礁。不再漂泊


Retreat, retreat I return to the acerbic ocean. As a tree under the moonlight, I am its shadow entwined-- free of dust. while the tree is sprouting, I am wrapping spring paint with fragmental texture. Through its birth pangs, I am born. in the transparent mirror, I peek the whole process. This is a classical scene, a solitary island in the ocean. A wood house in the island, or an old temple, I am the monk bumping the bell; Twice a day, morning and night. I sit cross-legged, drowse, or mumble; a few obscure lections no one understands. I take notes. Hundred years later, people may call it poetry; The sea is calm, a silver mirror hangs in low sky, pours light on walls; I am master of wood house, abstract paintings in the morning, I echo birdsongs; on the deep long night, I spin soft silks out of my body, I tie up passing flies and myself fearing ferocious wind; In fact, I am not as solitary as I imagine. Far away from the earth, A slim lady comes near, a flower in the mirror Or the moon in the lake. With her chipper laughter she polishes my sick lines, makes me a warm bed; Inside the wood texture, We cuddle each other, Curled like annual growth rings, like woodpeckers maintaining seasons' wound by their own toothache; This little tree breaks ocean's besiegement, lushly grows and develops. By selecting fine words and kind greetings, it decorates plain life and exchanges multi-culture. It continuously hides each unhappiness with rich time scale And throws all rest coldness into the ocean. like a submerged rock, I will not vagabondize any more.

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