  Yidan Han

Yan Li


Poet, painter, fiction writer, born in 1954 in Beijing, China. He is a member of a vanguard artist group "The Stars" founded in 1979 and an underground literary group "Today" in Beijing. As a poet, he is regarded as one of the members of the Misty Poets. He came to US in 1985 and founded quarterly journal Yi-Hang in New York in 1987. His poems have been translated into French, Italian, English, Swedish, Korean and German. He has held many exhibitions and published a number of books. He lives in Shanghai and New York.


Denis Mair

Poet and translator. He is a co-translator of Frontier Taiwan(Columbia). His book of poems Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Press in 2003. He has lectured on the I CHING at the Temple School of Poetry (Walla Walla).

诗人和中英文翻译。 曾翻译了很多中国现代诗人的作品介绍给美国的诗坛,曾任美国西北部诗刊《诗庙》的编辑。他是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的有关台湾的“前沿”一书的翻译者之一。他还曾在《寺庙》创办的诗人学校里讲课。他的个人诗集《刻在木头里的人》2003年由美国当代山谷出版社出版。


The System of the Establishment

闭嘴! 听耳朵怎么说 锈迹斑斑的工业耳朵里 继续传出强大的机器运转声 最小的零件也至少有一个人的体重 包括骨头和思想 机器的力度来自完美的屈服 从编织到工业 组装文明 不要听零件怎么说 铸造者铸造一切 物体在被挪动中体会动词的松动 屈服经历了和平以外的焊接 石油的管道通往心脏 被拧紧的存在 不渗漏一滴存在

Shut your mouth! Listen to what your ears have to tell you The whir of a powerful machine is transmitted Through rust-spotted industrial ears The smallest component has human weight With bones and thought included The machine is powered by lovely submission From craftsmanship to industry Civilization has been assembled Pay no mind to the components The drop forgers are forging everything A shifted piece feels the looseness of a verb Submission gets a taste of none-too-peaceful welding Pipelines of petroleum are routed through the heart From the tight valves of existence Not a drop of existence can leak


Poetry Pounced First

这套公寓起价六十万 朝南 地球人的阳光也有价格 看上去很美 摸上去舒服 付钱租用 买断更受欢迎 多么美好的服务 既然整个社会已被打包成商品 诗人也不可能跑掉 但是我在十七岁那年 就被诗歌打了包 所以早已是它的身下之人! 多么深思熟虑的诗歌啊 十七岁 在我踏上社会之前 之前我还在它的包里遇到了 食指、芒克、北岛和多多

The starting price for this condo is 600,000 With southern exposure to sunlight Which has been put on the market by global citizens The interior is appealing The surfaces are smooth To pay rent is monthly bleeding Mortgages are the popular thing Such wonders are here to serve us All the world wholeheartedly agrees Since society's connections are packaged for sale There is no escape for connection-seeking poets And yet Since age sixteen I was packaged by poetry I acquiesced to becoming its commodity How strategic and far-thinking, this poetry business is! Before society's makings could come together, it pounced on me Within the package of poetry I met my underground buddies Mang Ke and Bei Dao and DuoDuo


Laws of Nature

在黑色绿色白色蓝色 圆舞曲协奏曲行进曲中 口音有别形象各异 每一种性格寻返自己的故乡 这是算命者存在的基础 这是科技或天灾制造集体死亡 也动摇不了的个人根基 政治和战争改变不了的乡情 死亡是故乡中的故乡 算命者的滔滔不绝有据可循 一如算命者故乡的那口老井里 有水的规律

Among the colors of black, green, white and blue Amid rondo, concerto, or marching tune Each character type returns to its own native land This is the foundation for fortune tellers to exist Such a foundation is not shaken by mass death From technology gone amok or earthly disasters Such rootedness isn't changed by war or politics Death is the native land of all native lands The fortune teller's torrent of words has something behind it Like the laws of water in the old well In the fortune teller's hometown

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