  Yidan Han

Yidan Han

Yidan Han is the author of two books of poetry Standing against the Wind (1993) and Selected Poems of Green Voice (2004, bilingual).  She is a coauthor of the first Dictionary of Rhetoric (2000) and other four academic books in expounding classical Chinese poetry.  She grew up in Fujian, China and has been using Green Voice as her pen name to publish poems before 2005.  Her poems have appeared in many literary journals and anthologies in China, United States, Singapore and the Philippines and she has received a number of poetry awards in China and the US.  She is the founder and editor-in-chief of the first bilingual English and Chinese poetry website in the world poetrysky.com.  She lives in Providence, Rhode Island.

绿音,原名韩怡丹。生于中国福建。 新闻传播学士,文学创作硕士,福建省作家协会会员,曾任记者、编辑数年。著有诗集《临风而立》(1993)、《绿音诗选》(2004,中英双语诗集),合作编著中国第一部《辞章学辞典》(2000)以及四本中国古诗文评点译析导读书籍。 80年代曾任厦门大学《采贝诗刊》副主编。2004年12月创办“诗天空” poetrysky.com——全球首家中英诗歌双语网站,任主编。她的中、英文诗作发表于中国、美国、新加坡、菲律宾报刊及十几本诗选中,诗作曾在中美获多项诗创作奖。 她自2002年移居美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯。


Yidan Han


The Woodpecker

阳光灿烂 那只啄木鸟 不断地在树枝上 啄着她的孤独 声音清脆 且有回音 她好像也在啄着我的影子 我的影子, 在一片枯萎的草地上 当她啄着的时候 我的影子越来越小 越来越小 像屋顶上那片 正在融化的雪


The sunshine is brilliant. The woodpecker is pecking out her loneliness on branches, clear and resounding. She seems to peck at my shadow on the withered grass. When she pecks, my shadow becomes smaller and smaller, like the snow melting on the roof.


Sunset Again

红鸟啁啾 蒲公英 在火焰的空虚上 飘浮 白、红、黄色的 郁金香 在自己的芬芳里 啜饮 明亮的露珠的清晨 树林间的天空 总是很遥远 云总是在流浪 我和天空的距离 使我觉得 天空很美 我也很美 我想抚摸天空 像抚摸一个古老的记忆 云是天空的伤口 流浪的伤口 变幻不定的伤口 那些伤口有一个闪光的出口 叫做黄昏 叫做Sunset


Cardinals twitter on trees. Dandelions float on the futility of fire. Tulips, white, red and yellow, drink glistening drops in their fragrance. The sky between the trees is always far away. Clouds are always on the drift. The distance between the sky and me makes me feel— The sky is beautiful. So am I. I want to touch the sky, as if touching an old memory. Clouds are the wounds of the sky— vagrant wounds, changeable wounds. Those wounds have a sparkling exit which is called sunset.


Toward the Sun

早晨 树林从黑色的沉睡中醒来 鸟儿们在阳光的线谱上跳跃 羽毛流光溢彩 栖息于教堂顶端 他们是如此幸福 因为他们呆的地方 离天堂更近 人们去教堂寻找天堂 那里燃烧的烛火 永远不会熄灭 地球上的每个人都是一支蜡烛 当我们燃尽自己 我们继续在天堂里燃烧 时光如水奔腾不息 日复一日 年复一年 激情如火山爆发 然后是灰烬 沧海桑田之后 太阳仍然从东方升起 我景仰 向着太阳的方向 我的身躯像阳光下的湖水 闪闪发光 我的心 随波荡漾


It's morning. The forest wakes up from black sleep. The feathers of birds glisten in the sunshine while they jump above brilliant rays. Birds perch on the top of the church. They are so happy since where they stay is closer to heaven. People go to church looking for heaven where candles are lit up and never burn out. Everyone on the earth is a candle. When we burn out, We'll go on burning ourselves in heaven. And the impetuous rush of time never ends. Day after day, Year after year, Passion is a volcanic eruption, quenching of ash. Seas change into mulberry fields. And the sun still rises from the east. Toward the direction of the sun I worship. My body glitters like the sunlit lake while my heart ripples with it.

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