  Yidan Han

Chiu Meng

秋梦,本名陈友权,又名陈学培,一九四三年出生。曾就读于越南万幸文科大学文学系及英语中心。企业家, 业余从事诗、诗论及翻译等写作。作品除了在本地的文艺版发表外,并发表于海外的《创世纪》等诗刊及大马、澳洲文艺园地。

Qiu Meng, originally Tang Vinh Thanh. Born in 1943, attending school in Vietnam. He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating. His works have appeared on a number of poetry journals in Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia and the United States.


Chiu Meng


Little Bird

天空太狭窄了, 我想 当我长大后,怕不够地方 让我伸展翅膀 我不能老是长不大 住在小小的巢窝里 每天靠妈妈带来食物 我常常听到树叶的私语 枝椏桠要举臂飞翔的理论 满足它们的欲望 我才是真正的长有一双翅膀 长大后,为它们实现 它们实现不到的理想


The sky is so narrow, I think When I grow up, I suppose There is no enough space for me to stretch my wings I can't always be small to live in a small nest Everyday, rely on mother to give my food I always hear the leaves talking privately the theory of the branches raising their arms to fly To satisfy their desires I am sure, I really have a pair of wings When I grow up , to achieve The ideals that they can't accomplish


The Woodpecker and the Poet

啄木鸟 啄着 夜的更次 诗人 敲着 美的藻词 长 夜 漫 漫 啄木鸟与诗人 各有心事 啄着 啄着 啄木鸟 不知天边已鱼肚白 敲着 敲着 诗人浑然忘了 老之将至


The woodpecker pecking Through each changing watch of the night And the poet knoking The beautiful words of the Poetry the night flows on The woodpecker and the poet having the different secrets in their mind Pecking, pecking The woodpecker not to see the whitish color Of the fish's belly appear on the horizon Knocking, knocking The poet forgets that He is already growing old


Something Weighs on a Peacock's Mind

你以千眸 迎我 我也回以 千眸 这心事 唯有自己知道 毕竟 你是过路人 也不会永远停留 当你离去的时候 盼望你会频频回首 开屏 只是我一时的羞赧


You greet me with a thousand of stares And I return a thousand stares to you Something weighs on my mind I alone am to know After all, you are a passer-by Not to stay here perpetually When you leave here I expect you turn back to look again and again I spread my tail Merely of shyness for a short while


Bird's Chirps

啊 提灯人 你的愿望 走到黑夜的尽头 而我的愿望 跨过整片晴空 有黑暗的地方 就有你的足足迹 有光的地方 就有我的翅膀 啊 你可穿过黑暗 我可飞越光明


Oh ! a lantern man Your desire is to walk over the end of darkness And my desire To bestride over the whole sky Where is the dark And where are your footmarks Where is the light And where are my wings Oh ! you can walk through the darkness And I can fly over the sky

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