  Yidan Han

Fang-Liang Lin


Fang-Liang Lin, born in Zhejiang Province, China. He is now a graduate student of Zhejiang university. He is the founder of the Guihua poetry society.



Laoha, poet and translator, pen name of Xiaoqing Mario Li, born in China in 1960. He moved to USA in 1986 and made his residence in northern Nevada since 1987.



The Wish of Flower

也看到 鱼儿为寻找曾经的水 四处飘荡 溪岸桃花 同一枝头绽放 或许是圆了  前生的梦想 如果季节无法停住 那么 如何永远 相依枝头同看夕阳 不过是 曾经的渴望   如果季节真无法停住 难道我们要 零落水上 各自沉亡 至少 可以奢望 随风舞落 瓣牵着瓣 泛舟波上


It also could be seen To look for the water they got used to The fish swam around everywhere As the peach bloom by the creek Or in other words To burst in blossom on the same branch It is fulfilling the dream of the previous life. And if the season won’t stop No matter how long it lasts Watching the setting sun on the same branch with you Is merely an old wish If the season really couldn’t stop Will we float on the water and get drown individually At least we have the wild wish To fly up and down with the wind cruising over the waves petal in petal.

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