  Yidan Han

Rena Wang


Rena Wang, poet and freelance writer. Born in Harbin, China in 1980. She lives in Xian, China.


Mario Li


Poet and translator. Under Chinese pen name Laoha, he translates and writes poems both in English and Chinese. He was born in China in 1960 and now lives in Northern Nevada, USA.



一把锁,锁住风流 锁住,一个世纪的喧嚣 一扇门,打开莲塘 打开风流云散 我们听歌,听一场烟雨江南 听水在脚下低沉地呼唤 关关雎鸠,只一次 就啼唤了成批的命运 如水,如瞬间又绵长的花儿 我要怎么推开这扇门 挑破伯牙的弦又如子期醉卧 剩下终南山,一朵菊花轻坠指尖 而我这里是六朝的寒冷 还有关了一秋的弹评 我要把这些软语都印在门扉 打开,就一寸寸飘远 孤独着飘向苏小小 小小是一扇门 许多个小小是历史的门 女人的手臂在门里,眼睛在门外 你看,门外流过一粒水滴 我们就一路沉浮 我就站在这扇门前 我的手指,挂着一个时代的孤独

A lock has sealed intellectual talents and the reverberations of a century. A door is opening to lotus pond and to the literary enlightenments. We all listen to songs, to southern rains, and to babbling water by our feet. Merely one call from lovebirds, lives after lives, all are wakening up, like water, like blossoms opening in an instant. How should I open this door, so I could tear it up on the ancient strings of Boya, while Ziqi, the only one who appreciates it, dozes off into tipsy dreams alone in the midst of Mountain Ultimate South, and then, a daisy petal falls softly onto my fingertip. But here I am as cold as the fallen Northern and Southern Dynasties, with a ballad that has been hushed for an entire autumn. I want to paint all the lyrics on the door, upon its opening, the solitary voyage will start, inch by inch, adrift to Little Su.* Little is a door, many a Little are historic doors. With arms still inside the door, the ladies have their eyes beyond. Look, once there is one drop of water passing by, they then start floating. For now I am standing at this door, lingering on my fingertip is the solitude of a generation. * Little Su, a famous courtesan and poet during Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-581) of China, was well known for her i ntellectual talent and great beauty. In Chinese pinyin, her name is written as Su Xiaoxiao.



你的人一直在路上 心在我这里 我的心一直在路上 疤痕在你那里 你比我更累 一个人埋下更多的生活

For all this time, you have been on the road, but left your heart behind with me. For all this time, my heart has been with you carrying all the scars on the road. You must be way more exhausted than I am, for your life is burdened with so much more.

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