

A Melting Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 天空必然会 蓝 冬日的旅人呵 你我不是卜好? 在一柱冰融的 屋檐下 同温那首 恋诗 (2006.2.14寄自芝加哥情人节)

A Melting Icicle on the Eaves ( translated by Chiu Meng ) The sky consequently appears In blue Oh! a winter traveler Whether we have divined already? Under a melting icicle Of the eaves Reviewing together A bygone love poem (From Vietnam)

秋梦 Chiu Meng

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 因为有风 屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 听到一声来自起源的 时间的回音 因为落雪 这冰柱 想像有一道冰河 来自苍穹 此刻,我想像自己 像个原始人 坐在幽暗的洞穴里 望着上面的钟乳石 一颗星子悠然滴落地上 在融化的冰柱间回响 (寄自越南)

A Melting Icicle on the Eaves As the wind blows A melting icicle on the eaves listens to an echo of time from the origin The icicle imagines a glacier coming from the air because of the falling snow At the moment I imagine myself sitting inside a dim cavity like a primitive man looking at the stalactites above as a star drops to the ground and echoes among melting icicles (From Vietnam)

赵福治 Fuzhi Zhao

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Melting Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 从一滴晶莹中醒来 剔透的岁月,和思绪 一一展开 如果,一滴声响 是屋檐下一个故事的轮回 一段往事,勾起暗伤的牵挂 那么,缘分的土地上 我们树状的莫名,坚持的 是尘世的浮躁,还是临风的典雅 放飞满天的蔚蓝,好想 再看一眼悠悠的风,好想 捞一把天中的蓝,安抚 疲惫的心跳和透明的叹息,还有 我们见风流泪的眼睛 (寄自中国河南)

Melting Icicle on the Eaves (Translated by Anna Yin, Toronto, Canada) Awakened from a drop of crystal, the transparent time and mind Unwind-- Each echo, a cycle of the tale, under the eave; a phase of bygone longing. On fate-earth, do we stretching roots insist on the flow of fickleness, or the surety of grace? Release blue into the sky, I desire another glance of vagabond breeze, caress of the cloud. I yearn to ease the thirst of fatigue, lucid sighs,and the eyes crying in the wind. (From Henan, China)

和平岛 IslandIspeace

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 当你张开双臂拥抱天空 天空已灰冷一片 袖不拢的往事 即便有万千手指 想挣脱佛的掌心 而天黑了下来 一阵风吹过 最后的那片叶子也离你远去 假如胸中还有一盏明灯 就把它挂到屋檐下吧 那叫冰的眸子 渴望着 姗姗来迟的孩子们 (寄自加拿大维多利亚市)

Icicle on the Eaves When you reach out your arms to embrace the sky The sky is turning colder and darker Unable to withhold the bygones Even if you have thousands of fingers To escape the palm of the Buddha The sky is totally dark now A gust of breeze passes by The last leaf has departed without a sound If there is still a lantern at your heart Hang it up on the eaves What's called an eye pupil is the icicle Longing for the children to return (From Victoria, Canada)

兰逸尘 Yichen Lan

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 它那样美 衔着圆熟的晶莹缓慢降落 繁枝上方 天宇收容了另一个黎明 我的心空空荡荡 一颗一瓣一抹 你是最后的清愁 我听见有人说 蓝,那些把握不住的 都是冰凉的孩子 而你看 这万盏残灯 我都不能说出 任你,不断下坠 没有回声 (寄自中国西安)

Icicle on the Eaves (Translated by IslandIspeace) It is amazingly beautiful To hold glittering and translucent crystals Slowly dripping down Above the dense offshoots The sky breaks with another dawn Yet my heart is all empty One grain, one petal, one stroke You are the last drop of melancholy I heard someone said: Lan, those unable to hold Are all the children that are terribly cold But you see There are thousands of lanterns left to dim out I cannot stop But let you continuously drop Drop without an echo (From Xi'an, China)

幻羽晨星 HuanYuChenXing

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Icicle on the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 想你已经挂不住整个冬天 冬天是水,我的精灵 它把自己一点点从你身上脱下 就象当年逃开盛放的梅花 那时并没有雪 也没有一阵风恰好从屋前路过 而别离就是悄不做声 就是把你慢慢磨瘦 还要显出美丽 精灵,别告诉我 清晨是你敲响窗棂 是你割开天空,送出蓝色 而我对阳光的祟拜全是错误 你垂首俯视,大哭一声 偏偏故事的结局全都 一擦就干 (寄自中国)

An Icicle on the Eaves (Translated by IslandIspeace) Guess you are unable to hold the whole winter Winter is water,my elfin It is peeling itself off bit by bit from your body Just like that year When it ran away from the efflorescing plum blossom There was no snow then Also no gust of wind passing in front of the house Yet departure is always silent It is to wear you thinner and thinner To appear slimly pretty Elfin, please do not tell me The early morning is when you knock at the window Is when you cut the sky open,to release the blue But it is a mistake to worship the sun You put down your head,cried once Yet the end of the story Was all wiped out By a single stroke (From China)

盛先有 Xianyou Sheng

Icicle on the Eaves 屋檐下的冰柱


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 把自已定格成一种姿势 垂挂在屋檐 面对柔软的流水 表现出自已骨子里的刚强 阳光照耀身体的时候 才发现 流淌是生命里多么美妙的感觉 从那一刻开始 就有了崭新的目标 水滴石穿 (寄自中国浙江省浦江县)

Anna Ying 星子

Melting Icicle on the Eaves 屋檐下正在融化的冰柱


Melting Icicle on the Eaves bygones like icicles grow longer each cold night I have forgotten spring under the bare branches yet sun rays penetrate somehow drop by drop, pain melts away... (From Ontario, Canada)

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 往事是屋檐下的冰柱, 在每一个更冷的夜晚点点延伸。 我开始忘记春天, 那些日子遗失在赤裸的树梢上 而阳光不示弱地穿透, 点点滴滴,冰冷悄悄融化。。。 (寄自加拿大安大略)

昌群 Chang Qun

Melting Icicle on the Eaves 屋檐下正在融化的冰柱


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 晶莹剔透的冰柱 与冬天相邻 以大树为伴 和谁的目光对语 晶莹剔透的心情 融化在阳光里 滴下 和春天的畅想相遇 (寄自青岛)

绿音 Yidan Han

Melting Icicle on the Eaves 屋檐下正在融化的冰柱


Melting Icicle on the Eaves Look at my crystal life leaving me drop by drop Each drop of wine made by sunshine and fragrance can be a poem (From Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.)

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 看着自己 晶莹的生命 一点 一滴 地离去 每一滴 在阳光下 酿成的酒 和芬芳 都可以是 一首 诗 (寄自美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯)

如风 Ru Feng



屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 70年代的冬天 比现在冷 雪象草一样厚 鸟比今天 贫穷饥饿 它们很早就在村子上空 叫喊 瓦片上的雪 能住过整个冬季 屋檐下 一排排 光洁的牙齿 被小北风刷着 它们晌午时 开始滴哒 出血 阳光 和贫穷的村庄 罩一块水蓝 (寄自中国河北)

北塔 Bei Ta

屋檐上的冰柱 An Icicle on the Eave


屋檐上的冰柱 被一夜寒潮吊死的孩子 赤裸着尚未被尘埃 污染或塞满的身子 整个儿已经僵硬 那等待中的一夜 像混乱而又孤独的一百年 就等着太阳出来 抚摩他、抚摩—— 直到他缓缓地 一滴滴地重新化成水 像蜡烛一寸寸地 被烧成灰 石头的缝隙 是他的归宿 像我饥寒的童年 总是在母亲的屋檐下 被喂养、被温暖 而如今,我的心 像一颗冰雹 像一颗颗冰雹 从烟雾弥漫的空中 直直地摔到水泥地上 因为我已没有屋檐 (寄自中国北京)

An Icicle on the Eave A child hanged to death by a whole night's cold waves Bare, his body has not been Contaminated or filled by dusts Now wholly frozen One night of waiting Is like a century of chaos and loneliness Waiting for the sun to come out And touch him, touch--- Till he slowly and renewedly Turns into water drop by drop Like a candle burned into ashes Inch by inch The stone's aperture Is his end-result Like my hungry and cold childhood Always under mother's eaves Being fed and warmed And now, my heart Like a piece of hailstone Like pieces of hailstone From the hazy sky Falls directly onto the cemented earth 'cause I have no eaves any more (From Beijing, China)

得一忘二 Jinghua Fan

A Home Away from Home 异国的家园


A Home Away from Home --After the photo A Melting Icicle under the Eaves Hanging onto the eaves of a house that's to me as unnecessary as the shell to a snail, I, Orpheus, try hard to keep cool like an unburned candle in a winter night. Warmth from behind is Eurydice, a forbidden sight, uneasily lenient. When behind a tree, a house becomes a home. Let its life branch out like fire so that its sappy lyre could sing for the distant blue dome. (From Singapore)

异国的家园 ——读照片《屋檐下的冰凌》 悬在别人的檐口 我是吟游歌手 永远持守着短暂的安宁 犹如冬夜里一支未燃的蜡烛 内心有一根必要而无用的导火线 背后的温暖 宽慰中含着不安 如失而复得的宝藏 令人不忍相看 让所有的屋前都长出一棵树 将房子变成家 让它的枝叶都像火焰 让它液汁丰富的竖琴 向着遥远的蓝天奏响 注:我是先写英文,然后才写中文的,所以两种文字不是很一致。 English comes first. (寄自新加坡)

施雨 Shi Yu

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 我把整整一季的承诺 滴给你 现在 带我去你最高 最绿的枝头 (寄自美国达拉斯)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves Dripping my whole season's promise to you Right now Take me to your branch, the hightest and greenest one (From Dallas, Texas, U.S.)

林沫 Lila

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves



A Melting Icicle under the Eaves whole night-- i've been murmuring let me become a me as you at dawn-- your echo of rays reach my transparent ears let me sculpture you into you ( From New York City )





檐下的冰凌,请不要惊扰了我的梦。 檐下的冰凌, 一滴一滴 滴在阶前, 泛起的空响 惊扰了我的梦。 唉, 我的梦 是 故国的月色正明 槐香清清, 是 你的影 我的寻觅 浅浅深深。 檐下的冰凌, 请不要 一滴一滴地 催我醒。 昨日里, 我还梦见了 三杯两盏的淡酒 摇曳的烛光 深深的拥抱 和 朋友们的低吟浅唱。 檐下的冰凌, 一滴一滴地, 如果你是我的泪, 我就噤声。 我真的不是常常会有这样的梦境。 如果可以, 请别走,寒冬! 请凝住这冰凌, 最好 请你也一同凝住这时空 凝我似一条冬虫 这样 我就可以梦 梦 梦。 (寄自加拿大渥太华)

西梅 Xi Mei

瘦诗系列-窗外 Outside the Window


窗外 水珠 滚下 冰凌 它们- 既是 雪的 后生 又是 雪的 前世 (寄自美国加州戴维斯)

Outside the Window Drops Drop Down The icicle They are The descendants Of snow As well as The predecessors Of snow (From Davis, California, U.S.)

非马 Fei Ma

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 帝国的 辉煌荣耀 终究留不住 这些向往自由的 小民 兴高采烈纷纷 离体 坠地 (寄自美国芝加哥)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves even the awe-inspiring glory of the empire cannot coerce these freedom lovers from jumping off crashing joyously to the ground (From Chicago, U.S.)

影云 Ying Yun

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 光的抚摸里 冷凝的世界 热泪滚滚 (颗颗 坠 落) 在土地 拥抱眼泪的 刹那 还原自己 (寄自美国加州洛杉矶)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves In the caresses Of light The frozen world Bursts into tears ( falling one after another) Falling into itself As its tears Are embraced By the earth (From Los Angeles, California, U.S.)

作舟 Zuo Zhou

屋檐下融化的冰凌 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下融化的冰凌 日光穿过你 闪烁 冬天的心 融化 昨晚 你从远方到来 带来我不愿 听到的消息 现在, 我懂得了 家的含义 它将最冰冷的东西 化为泪滴 你我微不足道 是小如星尘的载体 随宇宙万物 变化着 最终 被光拥抱 (寄自美国俄勒冈州波特兰市)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves When light shines Through you The heart of Winter melts You arrived Last night from afar With the news I did not want to hear Now I know The meaning of home Which can turn The coldest thing Into tears We are nothing But the instruments Of change At the end Embraced By light (From Portland, Oregon, U.S.)

非马 Fei Ma

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 这根倒燃的 透明蜡烛 完全有理由相信 是它 把这个世界 照得明亮 刺眼 (寄自美国芝加哥)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves burning upside down this translucent little candle has every reason for believing itself to be the light source that shines bright on the earth and hurts our eyes (From Chicago, U.S.)

非马 Fei Ma

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 A Melting Icicle under the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 你才不过 温煦地微笑了一下 凝冻了一整个冬天的相思泪 便开始融化 且簌簌地 掉 下 来 了 (寄自美国芝加哥)

A Melting Icicle under the Eaves at the mere sight of your warm smile the frozen tears of the lovelorn winter begin to melt and d r i p (From Chicago, U.S.)

严力 Yan Li

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Icicles Are Melting Beneath the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 温度对生命的重要性 不仅仅是热胀冷缩 温度还能生产或消灭颜色 歌唱或沉默 甚至文字因温度而朦胧或清澈 你或者游泳 或者躲在棉衣里 或者奔放或者收拢枝条上的一切 大自然说四季不能同时共存 甚至一样的温度 也还有春秋之分 甚至屋檐下融化的冰柱 也有国家之别 体会嘴中积压多年之后 滴落的口水 中国人最能体会: 什么叫做因为温度的允许 可以说几句真话了 (寄自中国上海)

Icicles Are Melting Beneath the Eaves (Translated by Paul Manfredi) The importance of temperature to life Is more than mere heat expansion and cold retraction Temperature bears and extinguishes color Creates song and silence Even obscures or enlivens writing itself Whether you are swimming Or wrapping yourself in cotton clothing Releasing out or gathering it all in from branches Nature places four seasons in succession Even a single temperature Has its spring and fall Even the icicles under the eaves Have a nation of origin Chinese like no other appreciate the saliva Excreted under years of pressured silence: The feeling of saying a few truthful words When the temperature is finally just right (From Shanghai, China)

严力 Yan Li

屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 Icicles Are Melting Beneath the Eaves


屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 地球向前以阳光点燃自己 我听见这串鞭炮滴落在地 引发了枝条里绿色的回音 (寄自中国上海)

Icicles Are Melting Beneath the Eaves (Translated by Paul Manfredi) The planet marches on Igniting itself with sunshine I hear In this string of firecrackers exploding on the ground Green echoes from the branches of trees (From Shanghai, China)

薛舟 Xue Zhou




屋檐下正在融化的冰柱 我想起那些不被祝福的午后和傍晚 雪地里,箩筐下,练飞的麻雀迷惑于 通红的谷粒,大麻雀含泪钻回了 巢穴,又被觊觎已久的手电 照亮悲伤的羽毛。一架失修的木梯 伸展,一双未经岁月教诲的手围拢 合谋清理了我们冰雪封冻的屋檐。 没有麻雀母子的檐下,冰凌放大了幻象 粗糙的早春的太阳,我的不见飞鸟 的目光,双重的聚焦令它渐渐融化 于是一滴冰水 落地 擦过不易察觉的岁月之幕 扣敲家人踩实的门前雪 响起震动庭院的回声经久不绝。 (寄自中国)

Laoha 老哈

Rapture 欣悦


Rapture There is no need any more to take two to three hours every day to shovel the snow out of the driveway There is no need any more to drive slowly on the icy road with great cautions on the way to work There is no need any more to curse the once in a hundred year snow storm that, on and off, lasted three weeks long There is no need any more to worry about those hungry coyotes out of the snow covered mountains looking for food The hard to believe snow storm is already an history The appeared to be everlasting tundra has come to an end The sun is warming up the earth And the world is wakening up in peace and quiet Do you see Dripping Dripping The icicles on the eaves Are melting The same way when we come out of the extreme hardship in life Crystal clear and sparkled with beauty (From Nevada, U.S.)

欣悦 再也不用 每天花两三个小时 清除门前的积雪, 再也不用 在上班的路上 小心翼翼地行驶, 再也不用 咒骂那近百年未遇 铺天盖地的风暴, 再也不用 担心后山雪封后 饿急了的郊狼。 弥漫的风雪已成为往事, 漫长的冰冻已经结束。 阳光在温暖着大地, 万物在寂静里复苏。 看啊! 屋檐上的冰柱, 一滴, 一滴, 在消融。 从人生困境里走出来时的情景, 不就是这样吗? 晶莹中闪动着美丽。 (寄自美国内华达州)

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