  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jidi Majia


Jidi Majia, one of the most eminent poets and the sole cultural activist initiating several cultural events in China, was born into a great family of Yi nobility in the Daliangshan Highland, west of Sichuan Province. With a four-year formal schooling in Chinese language and world literatures, he graduated from Southwest Nationalities University. At the age of 24, he was the recipient of the highest state honors, much coveted by any would-be literary aspirants. Instant formal recognition ensued. Sustainable quality output, with over 40 publications of poetry and prose, translated into over 20 languages, home and abroad, distinguishes him as a cultural icon across the Yi community (and indeed, the whole ethnic community) as well as one of the leading poetic voices of international status in contemporary Chinese poetic writing.


Denis Mair

Denis Mair holds an M.A. in Chinese from Ohio State University and has taught at University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a research fellow at Hanching Academy, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. He translated autobiographies by the philosopher Feng Youlan (Hawaii University Press) and the Buddhist monk Shih Chen-hua (SUNY Press). His translation of art criticism by Zhu Zhu was published by Hunan Fine Arts Press (2009). He also translated essays by design critic Tang Keyang and art historian Lü Peng for exhibitions they curated respectively in 2009 and 2011 at the Venice Biennial. (See Lü Peng, From San Servolo to Amalfi, Charta Books, Milan, 2011). His book of poetry Man Cut in Wood was published by Valley Contemporary Poets in 2003.

梅丹理(Denis Mair), 美国诗人,中英文译者,俄亥俄州立大学中文硕士。曾担任美国宾州大学东亚语文系讲师,现任北京中坤基金翻译顾问、台湾日月潭涵静书院研究员。译作包括冯友兰的《三松堂全集自序》(夏威夷大学出版社)、真华法师的《参学琐谭》(纽约州立大学出版社)、朱朱的《一幅画的诞生》(湖南美术出版社)。诗歌翻译包括《麦城诗选》(Shearsman Books,,2009); 奚密、马悦然编的《台湾新诗选》(哥伦比亚大学出版社,2005); 杨四平编的《当代中文诗歌选》(上海文艺出版社,2007); 吉狄马加的《黑色狂欢曲》(俄克拉荷马大学出版社, 2014)。他的个人英文诗集《刻在木头里的人》(Man Cut in Wood)2003年由美国当代山谷出版社(Valley Contemporary Poets)出版。


The Other Way

我没有目的 突然太阳在我的背后 预示着某种危险 我看见另一个我 穿过夜色和时间的头顶 吮吸苦荞的阴凉 我看见我的手不在这里 它在大地黑色的深处 高举着骨质的花朵 让仪式中的部族 召唤先祖们的灵魂 我看见一堵墙在阳光下古老 所有的谚语被埋进了酒中 我看见当音乐的节奏爬满羊皮 一个歌手用他飘忽着火焰的舌头 寻找超现实的土壤 我不在这里,因为还有另一个我 在朝着相反的方向走去


I have no goal Suddenly the sun behind me Foretells oncoming danger I see my other self pass through The crown of darkness and duration Nursing on the coolness of buckwheat I do not see his hand here before me It is in black depths of the land It is holding up flowers of bone So my tribe in its rituals will know The presence of ancestors' souls I see an earthen wall, ancient under the sun All proverbs have been buried in wine I see rhythms snaking over a drumhead A singer loosens his flaming tongue To seek surreal terrain I am not here, for there is another self Walking in an opposite direction


Mountain Goats of Gunyilada

再一次瞩望 那奇妙的境界 其实一切都在天上 通往神秘的永恒 从这里连接无边的浩瀚 空虚和寒冷就在那里 蹄子的回声沉默 雄性的弯角 装饰远走的云雾 背后是黑色的深渊 它那童真的眼睛 泛起幽蓝的波浪 在我的梦中 不能没有这颗星星 在我的灵魂里 不能没有这道闪电 我怕失去了它 在大凉山的最高处 我的梦想会化为乌有


Again I survey the vista Of that marvelous domain In truth it is in the sky-realm It opens out onto vastness It leads somewhere magical and timeless In that place of emptiness and cold Echoes of hooves go off into silence The crescent horns of the male Are set off against a scudding cloud And behind it is a black abyss Its childlike eyes stir Like elusive blue waves Within my dreams I cannot do without this star Within my soul I cannot do without this lightning flash I fear if it is lost From the heights of Greater Liangshan


Remember This Time

在中国: 这是奔跑的时刻 这是选择的时刻 这是心中的道德被照亮的时刻 这是恐惧和从容不期而遇的时刻 这是沉默的词语失而复得的时刻 这是爱情将被等待证明的时刻 这是平凡之人牵动这个世界的时刻 这是领袖和人民共患难的时刻 这是微笑感召绝望的时刻 这是英雄呼唤奇迹的时刻 这是真理与谎言较量的时刻 这是卑鄙者无处藏身的时刻 这是人类面对灵魂独白的时刻 这是梦想被行动点燃的时刻 这是眼睛触动泪泉的时刻 这是黑暗预言光明的时刻 这是生命和死亡决战的时刻 记住吧 在中国: 这是一个刻骨铭心的时刻!


In China This is the time for flat-out sprinting This is the time for making choices This is the time for inner virtues to be blazoned at large This is the time for fearfulness to meet with composure This is a time to revive our words that have fallen silent This is the time when love waits to be proven This is the time for ordinary people to affect the world This is the time for leaders and citizens to throw in their lot together This is a time for the smile that rouses from despair This is a time for the hero who will summon miracles This is a time for the contest of truth against lies This is a time that gives scum nowhere to hide This time confronts humankind with a soliloquy of the spirit This is the time for dreams to be kindled by action This is the time for eyes to tap the wellspring of tears This is the time for darkness to foretell light This is the time for life's all-out battle with death Remember Here in China This era will etch its mark on your bones

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