  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lei Pingyang

雷平阳,云南省昭通人氏,1966年生。出版诗歌及散文集多部。 著有《风中的群山》《天上攸乐》《普洱茶记》《云南黄昏的秩序》《我的云南血统》《雷平阳诗选》《云南记》《雷平阳散文选集》等作品集十余部。曾获昆明市“茶花奖”金奖,云南省政府奖一等奖、云南文化精品工程奖、《诗刊》华文青年诗人奖、人民文学诗歌奖、十月诗歌奖、华语文学大奖诗歌奖、鲁迅文学奖等奖。现居昆明,任云南师范大学特聘教授。

Lei Pingyang, born in Zhaotong, Yunnan province in 1966, contemporary Chinese poet, the author of several anthologies of poetry and collections of essays, and the winner of various national poetry awards.


Shu Dandan


Shu Dandan, born in Changde, Hunan Province in1972, poet and translator. She is the translator of several Chinese translation edition of English poetry collections, including The Colleted poems of Philip Larkin and Raymond Carver. Her poems appeared in various poetry journals and anthologies. She is the winner of several translation awards and poetry award.



博尚镇制作脸谱的大爷 杀象,制作象脸 杀虎,制作虎脸 他一直想杀人,但他已经老朽 白白的在心里藏着一堆刀斧


The old geezer making masks in Boshang Town Kills the elephant, to make the elephant mask Kills the tiger, to make the tiger mask He has always wanted to kill a person, but he's too old Vainly concealing a pile of knives in his heart


A Prayer on Jinuo Mountain

神啊,感谢您今天 让我们捕获了一只小的麂子 请您明天让我们捕获一只大的麂子 神啊,感谢您今天 让我们捕获了一只麂子 请您明天让我们捕获两只麂子


Dear God, thank you For blessing us to capture a small muntjac today Please let us capture a big muntjac tomorrow Dear God, thank you For blessing us capture a muntjac today Please let us capture two muntjacs tomorrow

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