  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lu Hui


Lu Hui was born in Fuzhou, Fujian in 1961. He is a poet, poetry editor and journalist. His poems have appeared in various journals and anthologies and he has won a number of poetry awards. He now lives in Sanming, Fujian.


Xiaoyuan Yin


Born in 1982 in Sichuan Province. Graduated from Japanese Department, Beijing International Studies University. Her works have appeared in various journals and websites including E-zone, The World Poets Quarterly, China Radio International and China Daily official website. In 2006, she won second prize in a commenting competition organized by Reader.


My Beloved Mother

都是开在世上的花,是红是白 等结了果,满满的一箩筐 一座山 那年,红过树梢的 都是待嫁的闺女,都是娘家人 一针一线缝出来的 桃花有的是 山上,树下,褂衣 扇子。这么多年,俺娘的嫁衣 一直压在箱底 艳如桃花


Flowers blooming on the surface of the earth, red or white would finally bear fruits, and there would be bamboo-baskets full of them like a mountain These was a year, when all that glittered like rubies on the branches were maidens to be betrothed, they had been embroidered stitch by stitch by a mother Peach blossoms were in profusion, over the mountains under the trees, on the vests and the fans. During all these years,my mother' bridal dress has been lying quietly, at the bottom of a wooden box like a piece of peach blossom

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