  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Tan Wuchang

江西永新人。2004年获北京大学文学博士学位,现任北京师范大学中国当代新诗研究中心主任。国际汉语诗歌协会秘书长。兼任贵州民族大学客座教授、贵州大学旅游文化诗歌创作与研究中心名誉主任、甘肃省文学院特约评论家。诗作收入国内多种选本。迄今已出版《二十世纪中国新诗中的死亡想象》、《诗意的放逐与重建——论第三代诗歌》、《面朝大海 春暖花开——海子诗歌精品》、《活在珍贵的人间——海子纪念集》、《21世纪诗歌排行榜》、《中国新诗白皮书(1999—2002)》、《在北师大课堂讲诗》、《见证莫言》、《“我们”散文诗群研究》、《国际汉语诗歌》等学术著作及诗歌类编著20余种。2006年被中国作家网列为“新锐评论家”。2007年被评为“中国十大新锐诗歌评论家”。2008年,主编“三味学术文丛”。2012年,主编10卷本的“中国新锐批评家文丛”。自2011年起至今,发起并主持年度“中国新锐批评家高端论坛”,在大陆批评界与学术界产生了良好的反响。

Tan Wuchang was born in Yongxin, Jiangxi Province. He received his Ph.D. degree in literature from Beijing University in 2004. He is director of the Research Center of Chinese Contemporary New Poetry at Beijing Normal University where he teaches. Secretary General of the International Association of Chinese Poetry. A guest professor of Guizhou National University. Honorary director of The Center for Tourism and Cultural Poetry Creation of Guizhou University and contributing critic of Gansu Literature Academy. His poems appeared in The Star, Poetry and many other poetry journals and anthologies. He has published over 20 books which include books of poetry criticism and poetry anthologies he edited. From 2011, he initiated and presided over the annual China's Cutting-edge Critics High-end Forum.


Lei Ren

雷人(1949--),本名雷玉华,河北东光人,企业家,诗人,律师,书法家。60岁开始写诗,出版《雪的颠覆》等6部诗集。很多作品入选各类年选,并被翻译成英文,俄文,罗马尼亚文,法文等文字发表。汉译英诗歌作品入选《国际汉语诗歌》。另有美国长篇小说《红眼睛蓝了》等70万字译著。曾获中国诗歌学会“2014中国诗歌贡献奖”,《诗词之友》“国粹杯” “2015桂冠诗人”,2016中国诗歌春晚征文大赛银奖等。现居天津。

Lei Ren (1949-) is a poet, lawyer, an engineer and a calligrapher. He did not write any poems until he was 60 years old when he retired. He has published 6 books of poetry in four years. His rewards include 2015 Poet Laureate by The Friends of Poetry journal and 2014 Special Contribution Award by the China Poetry Association.


A Dream of Love
——To Maggie Amy

你是我的一个爱情梦想 三百多年前 你带上我的呼吸 挣脱我前世的思念 独自一人前往拉萨 有一天 你清水绝尘般的美丽 被仓央嘉措有幸目睹 于是你宿命地成为最为经典迷人的爱情形象 你失踪了三百多年 我寻觅了三百多年 我确信你还在世界上的某处等着我 在岁月的沧桑流变中 你的形容也许会略有改变 但你那双为爱而生的明丽眼眸 却明月般的扎根在了我的灵魂深处 每当夜深人静 圆月在空中游走 便是你我灵魂幸福相逢的时刻 你明澈美丽的眼眸叠印在月亮之上 最后从两个方向用力牵引着我的梦境 直到把我的身心左右撕裂 五内俱伤


You are my dream of love More than 300 years ago you carried my breath Breaking apart my thoughts of a previous life Heading towards Lhasa alone Someday your beauty like clear water and dust Will have the fortune of meeting Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho And be destined to become the most classic image of enchanting love You have been lost for more than 300 years I have been searching for you for more than 300 years I'm sure you're still waiting for me somewhere in the world Among the vicissitudes of time Your appearance may have changed But your bright and beautiful eyes born for love Like moonlight are deeply rooted into my soul When the moon wanders in the air in the deep and dead of night That is when our souls are happily meet Your bright and beautiful eyes are engraved upon the moon And finally drag my dream from two directions Until all it tears apart my heart and destroys my insides

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