  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Ya Hu


Ya Hu,originally Jianxiong Hu, member of Fujian Writers Association,editor of Strait Poetry. He began to write poetry since late 1980’s. He has published a book of poetry The Seed of Wind by Strait Literary Publishing Company.


Hua Wei


Hua Wei, born in 1972, a poetry translator who graduated from Nanjing University in 1994 and now works in a vocational and technical college. He began to translate poetry since 2005 and has translated many poems for poets in China and other countries.


Rainy Night

雨越下越深,无端 侵占我的整个世界 我的水平线,跌宕,破损 我渐渐模糊,与下落的 雨滴,一次又一次地碎裂 碎裂入心中,持续在心中 我的雨比窗外下得更深 我成了涟漪的放牧者 却捕捉不住任何一个成熟的涟漪 它们咂食了天光,并成群结队 逃窜,逃离我的视野,偷走 光阴注解里可以发生的故事 稀释着我的明天,那些 渐渐失去色差对比的时光 我学会用风蚀透自己 在雨线的间隙里象风一样游刃 并用风抽打那些不象话的涟漪 告诉自己,不必留守风雨 不必圈套涟漪,展开心神 任窗外的雨心中的雨 吞下我固有的黑暗 从此不再听黑夜有毒的声音


rain falls deeper and deeper, for no reason infiltrating my whole world my surface is free-flowing and broken I gradually dim, over and over again falling raindrops shatter shatter into my heart, remaining in my heart my rain falls deeper than outside the window I've become a herder of ripples but cannot capture any ready ones they devour the daylight, and move en masse escape from my view, steal the stories that appear in the footnotes of time and dilute my tomorrow -- moments gradually losing their color contrast I've learned to erode myself with the wind travel sharply through streams of rain and lash those unreasonable ripples I tell myself I needn't stay behind with the wind and rain trying to trap ripples, but open up my mind to let the rain outside the window and in my heart swallow up my inner darkness hence I hear no more night's toxic sound

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